sell, & sales may be made-Jn Lhat case 1 shall take it. 1 shall not relinquish any prjvilege I am entitled lo that while I can al any time go lo Mr Toby and buy al 50 els I have of course no inducement to be in a hurry about it, or consider that a privilege which is open to the acceptance of any body-Designing positively lo take the remainder of my stock, I did nol hesitate lo advance lo the agency here $5000-of my private funds-Ascertaining however that Lhere is a probability that Mr Bryan may nol act, and nol knowing that I shall he on pleasant terms with his sucessors, ·1 have reclaimed the unexpended balance of s'<l $5000 to wit $4000 for although I had a perfect certainty of being paid in 60 days, if the balance of the loan had been taken yet believing now that il will nol be, I am no longer willing to run the hazzard- As during my absence the government will be wilhoul an agent if Mr Bryan does not act, and as my own confidence in Mr Bryan is undiminished I have taken the liberty of appointing him until you can have Lime to determine whether or nol he has done any act to forfeit your confidence-He has been your friend when others were not-It may be well to hesitate before you supply his place with those who have come forward since the sun of Texas has risen My own office I hold as you understand, only until you can appoint a successor In the mean time I am Very truly Yr obl Servt Robert Triplelt [3410] [URREA to TORNELJ Ejercilo de operaciones.-Escmo. Sr.-Por eslraordinario que llego ayer a esta ciudad, recibi la respelable orden de V. E., de 31 de Mayo anlerior, conleslacion a la mia, fecha 11 del mismo en Guadalupe Victoria, relativa a las operaciones militares, en el Departamento de Tejas. El supremo gobicrno me lwnra cicrlamcntc, de una manera a que yo no me jtJZgo acrecdor; apmeba mi conducla, ve con aprecio mi comportamiento en esla ca.mpana, y me distingue de un modo particular, depositando al mismo liempo en mi inutilidad su confian~a. Para car.responder a ella, no cuenlo, Sr. Escmo., con otra cosa, que con una rccta inte11cion y con los mas vivos dcseos de ser ulil a mi palria. Sirvase V. E. ma11ifcstnrlo asi al supremo goLicrno, y al haccrle presenlc mi gratilud, se dignara V. E. manifcstarlc Lnmbien, quc mi mayor salisfaccion sora la de sacrificarmc, anks
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