manded by a junior officer. The Cabinet will well rccollccl that I positively refused the appointment of Major General in the firsl instance it original'cd from a desire upon my part to avoid office as much as possible and also from a conviction tlrnt one heller qualified from experience and talent than myself could be selected for that appointment my subsequent experience has not altered but confirmed that opinion. l have wrillen a longer letter than I intended but the subject must be my apology. I have the honor to be with great respect, Your obedient servant T. ]. Rusk P.S. I am desirous of heaving immediately from the Govt and also very fully any information from that quarter is so Limited that really J know scarcely anything except what I learn from rumour. (3409) [TRIPLETT to BURNET]
New Orleans 13th June 1836
To His Excellency D. G. Burnet President of Texas Dear Sir
As 1 am about to depart for Kentucky, Messrs Grayso~1 & Collinsworth have arrived, bringing a letter from you. They confirm what I had heard before that Mr. Toby has the selling of 500,000 acres of land al the same price which the first adventurers in behalf of Texas will have to pay, if they take the remainder of the loan. The credit of this loan, since my arrival in New Orleans had been rising-A premium could have been obtained yesterday-An adver- tisement however of Mr. Toby's lo day, of 500,000 acres for sale, and the knowledge that it can be had at 50 els pr acre-leaves of course no inducement lo take the balance of the loan. When we invest money we do it with a hope of profit-As 500,000 acres more have heen offered, we have no reason lo believe that 1500,000 will not follow-Without wishing lo disparage the value of Texas land, or complain of the government, I deem it due lo candor to say, that my confidence is lost, and that [ shall sell my script as soon as J can find a purchaser. It will be to my interest of course, not to injure the credit of the Script, or of Texas-My own interest is a security against it-But my fond interest for her welfare is a better sccurity-Neverll1cless I deem it proper lo advise you of the probability of my taking no more. I have \vrillen to the north to
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