June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7


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dcspreciable por su cituasion, pues que queda aisl;ufo de la Jinea q. dcba formarse, si se quiere un buen ecsilo. - Sohre esla maleria ocurre mucho, y no es ohra de una carla: hal>laremos largo a nucslra vista; y ahora solo le dire que es de suma necesida<l proporcione V. en esa calsado y lo mas que se necesila, siendo lo muy principal descanso a los sanos, asi como hosppitales para los muchos enfermos. No conosco ese punto, pero creo muy necesario que esta fucrza marchc a esa para q. los oficiales se repongan de las cosas prccisas de quc carecen. - En fin mi amigo repito a V. que hablaremos y cntonces sabra m"t1chas cosas que cleben estar a su alcance - Sigo manana mi rnarcha haciendo jornadas cortas por que la estacon. sofoca a los hombres y destruye Lodas las beslias. - Yo agradesco la dislincion con q. me honra y le ofresco mi gratitud, y le aseguro mi amistad como su Servr. q. B.S.M. - Juan Jose de Andrade- [3406] [FERNANDEZ to the PUBLIC] [Francisco Vital Fernandez, Matamoros, to the Public, June 13, 1836, issuing a request from Urrea for provisions for Lhe Army, so that he may continue the campaign against Texas.]

[3407) [QUITMAN to RUSK]

Natchez June 13. 1836

Dear Sir,

Dr Coffin of Natchez a most respectable man and a practitioner of the Thompsonian school desires Lo send to his son now in your army, a number of the Mississippi volunteers, a box of medicines and desires thal they may consigned lo your care. On our march lo your army, young Mr. Coffin was very successful in checking the bowel complaints that made their appearance among us, with the simple preparations he had with him. From experience I consider these medicines very vah1able especially in diseases of this kind to which our camps are particularly subject- It must he extremely gratifying to you to learn thal the subject of recognizing the independence of Texas is already before Congress, and I have no doubt will be favourably acted on before their adjournment. I hope that with the consent of the people of Texas, one step more will be taken, and Lhal your country will ere Jong be joined lo us as a component part of the confederacy. Messrs.


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