(3403] [WHARTON to REA)
Baltimore, 12th ju no, 1836
P. P. Rea Esq. Dear Sir -
I am thus far on my return to Texas, via New Orleans. I wiJl delay bttl two days on the route, al Nashville, and will consequently be with you very soon. The independence of Texas wiJl certainly be recognized during the present session of congress, which will terminate on the 4th of July. It should have been done several weeks ago, but the matter has progressed with the hateful tardiness of all great political movements. Nothing Lut some almost impossible reverse of fortune, and some great dissension and anarchy among the Texians themselves, wiJI prevent it now, however. I am the hearer of an appropriate and invalu.ible present to gen. Houston. IL is a snuff box, made of a portion of the Limber of lhc old constitution or ironsides. It is splendidly ornamented with gold, and was presented by commodore Eliott lo col. Earl, of Washington, the present donor to Gen. Houston. It bears this inscription. "From R.E.U. Earl, to his friend Gen. Sam Houston, the conqueror of Santa-Anna, and the founder of Texia.n liberty and independence. "Every thing connected with this memento and its presentation is "in keeping." The box was handed me in the presence of gen. Jackson, and the letter which accompanies it bears the impress of the seal which the president used during his campaigns in the last war, but which he many years ago presented to col. Earl. Columny is already al work to detract from the lallrels of gen. Houston. You will find a refutation, over my name, in the New York Courrier and Enquirer, of a shameful falsehood maliciously intended lo wound the feelings of Gen. Houston and lo injure the cause of Texas. With a hearl overflowing with gratitude for your signal and untiring exertions in the cause of Liberty and Texas, I am yours &c. Wm. H. Wharton
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