June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7


[Joseph Powell, Greenville, S. C., lo San1 Houston, June 12, 1836, introducing and recommending Thomas Canll "of our Village who is every way worthy and possessed of Creal Milatary acquirements .. . and is quite wealthy.") (3398] [IlAGUET to RAGrJETI (Condy Raguet, Philadelphia, to Henry Raguel, June 12, 1836, reporting that rumors had been floated aboul Sam _Houston and "calling in question his courage, as if he had avoided fighting through fear, until he could not help il," and advising how to defend against these charges; also praising the Texans for their "magnanimous and generous policy" towards the prisoners, which has created "universal sympathy," and staling: "The Mexican Charge d'affaires who resides here ... is married to a sister of Cos, and a few days ago he received a letter from him asking for money, and slating that he was well treated, which 1 was glad to hear. I hope that nothing will be done, that will tarnish your character for hum<V1ity and forbearance towards a conquered for, so that the name of Texian may be as distinguished for its magnanimity as for ·ts "l 1 . prowess•.. .

(3399) [RUSK to SECUINJ

Head Quarters Victoria 12th June 1836

To Colonel Seguin Sir

i have detached one hundred aild eighty men by way of San Antonio where I have directed them lo remain and co-operate with you for a few days and U1en pass on Eastward the detatchment is under Col Smith You will communicate with me frequently giving me all the information you may be able to collecl whether or not 1 occupy Bexar depend upon the resources furnished me by the Government lo whom I h.ive ,vritlen very fuU on these subjecls if you can obtain any correct information from


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