[3393) [TREAT to BURNET]
New York June 11th 1836
To his Excellency David G. Burnel President of the Republic of Texas Sir.
I enclose you herein a statement of a quantity of bread &c. Shipped pr. Sehr. Urchin Captn. Bridges on the 23 of April last, & BiU of lading taken in the Name of A. J. Yates Esqr. The above Shipn1ent was made at the instance of, & the. funds provided by the Gentlemen whose names appear at foot of the slatemen t; & the Captain of the Vessel was instructed to deliver it at whatever point in Texas it should be most wanted to relieve the Sufferings of those of your Countrymen who in their glorious struggle for Independence, had been left in a destitute & (we regret to learn) many of them without even the necessaries of life. I am requested by the Contributors to forward the enclosed, & we sincerely hope the shipment may have arrived in Safety, & in time Lo alleviate in part at least, the sufferings of the destitute. Wishing a continuation of success to your .cause & the speedy enjoyment of peace & prosperity, I have the honor to be very respectfully Your Obdt. Servt James Treat (3394) [TURNER to RUSK]
St. Patricio June 11th 1836
Genl.-Rusk Honbl. Sir
The situation of this place on my arrival was very bad near twenty familys and the most of them without any protection or means of moving I shall feel under a great obligation by your forwarding a company of men as rangers and J ,viii act as guide to the company to protect the Inhabitants from the Indians or any other enemy we have plenty of Beef, as much as three thousand head and the crops of corn look promising.
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