June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7



[3392) [RUSK to FILISOLA]

Head Quarters Victoria 11th June 1836

Dear General

Your communicatiion of the 7th Inst was received yester- day by the hands of Col Smith your messenger did nol arrive in Camp but met with Col Smith and handed him the communica- tion I hasten to reply to it. Genl Woll had been started to the Mexican Army with those who accompanied him two days before l received your letter. Circumstances which I need nol allude to have produced great excitement and whellher well or ill founded a good deal of it had somehow been assayed against the General. I had ascertained that several individual citiz;ens who were not attached to the Army under my command andl who were nevertheless about it had determined to commit violence upon and to ·avoid any thing of that kind Genl Woll had not been sent on to the Army until it could be done in perfeel safety to his person there has been no desire on my part at any time to detain General Woll as a prisoner on the contrary I have liberated several prisoners who were desirous of rejoining your Army in relation to the prisoners in exchange for those of ours who have been released I have issued an order to the Commandan1t of the Post at Galveston lo leave an equal number released who, will be forwarded to you at Matamoras or any other point on the frontier you may desire I cheerfully bear testimony lo the kindness with which you have treated those of our men who have visited your Camp as well as our prisoners and also lo your good faith in the observance of the articles of the Armistice which shall alwa1ys meet with a corresponding course of conduct you may wish.

I have the honor to be Sir with Great Respect Your Obedient Servant Thomas J. Rusk

His Excellency Gen! Vicente Filisola


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