June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

(33901 [RUSK to BURNET]

Head Quarters Victoria 11th J unc 1836

Dear Sir

I have just received yours of the 6th Instant which has I assure you given me no little surprize you speak of heavy threats made by me and my officers against the Government with regard to my officers when the truth comes Lo be told with all its attending circumstances it will be seen that the communication made by them lo the Government was greatly modified in its terms by the executions which I made and which was not palatable to many of them and even when greatly modified L positively refused to sign the Document. I wrote a letter lo the Cabinet which as a Citizen of Texas I believed and still believe I had a right to do and which before they call it a "severe threat" I would thank them to publish the Cabinet I conceive have treated me cavalierly but of this I have not complained nor will I so far as I am myself concerned for thank God I desire no office in Texas or elsewhere and having performed the unpleasant duties confided to my charge I shall surrender the trust into their hands and disconnect myself with a System of policy which l did approve entirely. The present moment of leisure afforded lo us by the success of our arms at San Jacinto have been permitted to pas.s away wholly unimproved thal favorable opportunity which should have been improved by sleepless exertions to encrease our army had been occupied in a sickly negotiation which had no parallel in the history of past or present Limes. The Cabinet well knows the reluctance with which I accepted the office of Brigader General they well know the difficulty I had lo encounter. They well know my present difficulty has any exertion been made lo remove them if so I am uninformed what means have they resorted lo to encrease the regular force of the Country lo produce System and order lo carry into effect the Militia laws lo conceive a congress if there has been any thing of this description done they have had loo much negotiating with Santa Anna lo take the time or trouble to communicate it lo me but I need not complain. I saw it before hand and refused lo accept Lhe office some man hud lo risk his


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