June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7


Any person or persons, having charge of any public corn oo the river San Jacinto or on Buffalo-Bayou, is requested and au lhorized to deliver to Capl. Samuel Rodgers, of the river Netchcs, fifty Sacks of said corn, for the purpose of being disposed of by him among the suffering citizens of his neighbor- hood, Capl Rogers will receipt for the corn he gels. Velasco lllh June 1836 David G. Burnet President of Texas [3386) [CAMPBELL to HOUSTON] [John Campbell, Washington, D. C., to Sam Houston, June 11, 1836, congratulating him on his victory over Santa Anna, which "cannot fail lo make you one of the most distinguished men of the age in which we Jive."] (3387] [DIBRELL to HOUSTON] [J. W. Dibrell, Richmond, to Sam Houston+ June 11, 1836, congratulating him on his victory at San Jacinto, and stating that he and others had recently given a Texas dinner for Branch T. Archer.] [3388) [FERNANDEZ to URREA) El Senor Comandte. Genl. de estos Departamtos. con fecha de hoy me dice Jo siguiente. "E.S. - El Senor Comisario General en oficio de hoy me dice lo q. copio - .El decoro de la Comisaria genl. de mi cargo, el del mis Supremo Gobierno, aJgunas vagas e infun<ladas suposiciones relativa a mi persona q. he podido traslucir en estos ultimos dias, no menos q. el eslar palpando las miserias q. sufre la tropa ecsistente en esta ciu<lad y sus inmediaciones, me impelem a no difcrir por mas tiempo el manifcstar a V.S. la comprometida situacion de esla oficina que desde Octubre de] ano ppdo. cornenzo a experimenlar una languidez ruinosa. Cada dia se aumenta esla, los recursos se


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