June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

[3383] [BURNET to MORGAN)

Executive Dept. Velasco 11 June 1836

To Colonel James Morgan Sir,

In consequence of information just received in relation lo the person intended to take charge of the arms lately brought from San Jacinto to the Island, and which 1 designed to have Sent for better Keeping lo Harrisburg, those arms will not be removed for the preseul. But it is highly necessary to have them attended to. The Saline atmosphere of Galveston is destructive and unles.s some precautions be taken will soon go to ruin.

Your obt. Sv. David G. Burnet

(3384] [BURNET to TOBY]

Velasco 11 June 1836

Thomas Toby Esqr. Texas Agent Sir

The subjoined is a copy of an official report this moment received of the proceedings of the Texian Army at La Bahia, Alias Goliad. It will be gratifying to the numerous American friends of those basely slaughtered martyrs of freedom whose Bones have so long bleached in the Prairies of La Bahia, to learn that the Citizen Soldiers of Texas have not only greatly avenged their wrongs but have bestowed upon the fragments of their mortal remains appropriate funeral honors. Their memories will never perish while Texas has a lodgment in history.

Your Obt Servl David G Burnet


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