June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

which I have referred lo Lieutenants Nate and Smith. The Caddoes arc decidedly hostile lo us and have committed many depredations the evidence of which as soon as it can be procured shall be forwarded Lo you if when the facts are before you it would not be inconsistent with your duties to require their immediately removal lo the Western Territory of the United States il would be an act which no doubt would prevent the shedding of much of the blood of a people contending against fearful odds for their libert. I have communicated very freely with Lieutenants Nate and Smith upon the Subjects committed to their charge and trust that the result will prove salisfaclory to yourself and the Government of the United States as I doubt now it will he one Government lo which il shall be immediately communicated. In relation to deserters some have l doubt nol have enlisted or enrolled without any knowledge upon the part of our recruiting officers that they were deserters all such will be immediately notified here by the proper authorities Lh~t they must discharge the duties required of them by their previous engagements to Services in the United Stales before they can stand in that favorable light which volunteers from the United Stales do who come under different circum- stances these things shall be made the subject matter or immediate communication to the Government of Texas and I trust the day is not far distant when the laws and rules governing nations will permit a much more intimate connection between the Govern- ment which is the boast of all friends of human liberty and lhe one which a handful of men under disadvantageous circumstances are attempting to establish in this Country. The kind offers of humane attention rendered to the Commanders of our army merits our utmost gratitude. Your Lwo Lieutenants Nate and Smith will be able to communicate to you very fully and will give you no doubt much interesting information we have nol been able from the force of circumstances of which an old soldier like yourself can most properly judge of to extend lo them that attention which il would have been desirable on our parl lo have clone but I am pleased lo find in those young officers that soldier like and gentlemanly


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