June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

Corlency. You will also collect what information you can in relation lo the hostility of the Caddoes as it is important their feelings and conduct should be fully made known to General Gaines. Let me beseach from you and the citizens of Nacogdoches that attention which is due Lieutenants Nale and Smith as well as their own account as on the account of lhe business which has called them lo visit our Army.

I have the honor to be with great Respect Your Ohl Servant Tho J Rusk Ilrig Genl Comdg

Major J no K. Allen & Col. Henry Raguel

(3379] (RUSK to GAINES]

Head Quarters Texian Army Guadalupe Victoria 10th June 1836

Dear Genl

Your communication under dale of the 25th April has just been received by the hands of Lieutenants Nate and Smith. IL affords me great plcasme lo open a communication uporl the subjects referred to the people of Texas Sir are much indebted Lo you and to the President of the United States the movement to Sabine has in my opinion restrained a savage foe from committing more appalling depredations in our war that the Mexican Army had committed in one fr4:)1Jl and General Gaines * lrusl will yel live lo see the prosperity of many of our wives and children who but for the movement of his army would have fallen beneath the bloody Tomahawk while we were contending with a foe more powerful in number. The Indians wl10 have uninvited moved from the United States into Texas are only restrained from hostilities by the fear they entertain of the United States Troops they have been more than once in communication with our enemy and that pretending the greatest friendship the Cherokees have entertained an agent from lhc Mexican Commandant and refused to give him up but concealed him while engaged in the most friendly negotiations with the authorities and people of Texas, the proof of

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