June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

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same forces: circumspection in the present movements, and foresight in past events, mobility, instruction, and better discipline in all classes of the army, and measures more adequate lo facilitate quickness in the movements and operations of the campaign. For this reason, should the number of troops be augmented, and the same errors still exist, the inconveniencies of another campaign which may be 1ndertaken, will be multiplied for these same causes; the public 11'easury will be still farther pledged, and perhaps without a heller result. No transactions could, nor can now, take place between me and the commander of the enemy's forces, inasmuch as il was done by the president, even when I was doubtful of his existence; because I supposed, and with probability, that he and aU the other prisoners, would have been shot in reprisal for the conduct observed towards those of the enemy. Afterwards, any step on my part, would not have obtained any thing else than to impair the situation of the president, and that of his unhappy companions in misfortune. I know too well, your Excellency, my disadvantageous position, in the sight, not only of the nation, but of the whole world: but it is not, has it been possible for me, to act differently from what I have done, nor have I been able to present the army in a better manner than I have. The command of it devolved upon me when I least expected it, ·under circumstances full of embarrassment, which events, and even the elements, made worse; without knowing what was wished lo he done, nor what had been done, for his Excellency never had the goodness to confide to me his plan of campaign; I neither new nor saw any thing that did not come under my immediate observation. l know well that my reputation will suffer as long as I do not remove the veil, which at this time covers the campaign. I will do so in good time, and with the as.5urance of obtaining justice, and of leaving that of my companions in arms in the slate which each one deserves. 1 will never cease to reiterate to your Excellency, that which I have repeatedly said, as to the nulJity of Bexar in every sense, and that the posts of Texas are not sustainable, whilst a maritime force does not co-operate with the operations of the land service; I think it my duty to so inform you of it, as it is also to answer to all the charges which they may wish to make against me for the errors which I may have committed in this campaign, and


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