Our Catholic Heritage, Volume III


Om• C atliolic Heritage in Texas


The outcome of the argument was that the following day, Father Felipe went to Mission Concepcion, from where a few days later he was sent to Mission San Juan Capistrano at the request of the governor, who declared he did not want a young and inexperienced missionary in the Mission of Valero. 42 Like most of the accusations of the governor, this appears to have been unfounded, for Fray Sevillano declared in his report to the viceroy that Father Felipe was a religious of exemplary character, over thirty years of age, well versed in sacred literature, and highly regarded by the members of his order. 43 Franquis questions t/,e l1011esty of the missionaries. Exasperated by the ridiculous argument with Father Felipe, the governor now decided to assume the role of moral reformer. On November 1, 1736, he wrote Father Benito Fernandez de Santa Ana, President of the missions, a letter making a serious charge. "It surprises me," said the governor, "to learn that although the king is paying for the maintenance of two ministers in that mission [Concepcion], who should be priests, you have been the only one there during the last two years. Likewise two ministers and a lay brother are paid for [at) the Mission of San Antonio [de Valero] but it has been many years since it had any lay brother. But the prelate has come each year without the slightest scruple to collect from the king's treasurer the salary for the whole number (a form of theology that I truly fail to understand). And since it seems to me that the reason the ministers are not there is because your religious superior thinks they are not needed, and that I may understand the situation in order to act in the best interest of the royal service and the royal treasury, I will ask that you report to me the explanation for the absence of the ministers, leaving out for the present the question of the drawing of their salaries, which will be considered in due season by the one whose duty it may be [to act]."" If the accusation were true, it would constitute a serious indictment of the integrity of the religious. But the fact seems to A.G. M., MiJsi<Jnes, vol. 21, pt. 1, pp. 177-178, 184-185; Governor Franquis to the Viceroy, January :is, 1737, A.G. M., HiJtoria, vol. 524, pt. 3, pp. 807-824. 42 Fray Mariano de los Dolores to Fray Sevillano, January 16, 1737, A. G. M., Misiones, vol. 21, pt. I, p. 185. 43 Fray Sevillano de Paredes to the Viceroy, February 1 S, 17 37, in I bid., p. 87. There is a copy of this long disquisition also in A. G. /., Audiencia de Me:r:ico, 89-3-9 (Dunn Transcripts, 1730-1736). "Franquis to Fray Fernandez de Santa Ana, November I, 1736, in A. G. M., Misio,us, vol. 21, pt. 1, p. 199.


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