The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



Austins Colony should be made acquainted with their situation and from that quarter they look for aid, The Civel orthority bas been i~tirely put doen hear and declarations haYe been taken against 'l'ravis & Jack without their eYen being allowed to appear or to defend themselves and there is no doubt in my mind but they have been proven and can prove e~·erything they wish. All sorts of villian~• has been practiced to obtain testimony a~ainst them and Bradburn hM even gone so far as to put a poor drunken vaggabond in prison be- cause he woult soware what he wanted him. I have been advised hy my friends to leave he::ir but feeling concious t,liat I haYe done nothing but my duty I will not run oft' let the result & conciquances be what tl1ey may. I wish you to communicate the substau~ of this lettsr to the friends of Travis and Jack and act as your feelings may dictate. \\'ith Sentiments of the highest Consideration

I" am very Respectfully Your Friend ::\Ionroe Edwards

R. )I. "Williamson Esqt·. [Ad.dressed] .

Robert M. Williamson Esqr Austin

N'o. 112 · [1832] June 1, R. l\I. WILLIA::\ISOX APPEAL TO CITIZEXS OF BRAZORIA A}.;D VICINITY, [BRAZORIA!] June 4th To the citizens of Brassoria and its vicinity C61 Pettus and nfr. l\IcQuin arrived at this place a· fow minutes since bringing me the information from Anahuac that I herewith transmit to you The same facts are already in possession of the inhabitants of San Felipe and those who are disposed to extend relief to our injnred & oppressed Conntrymen are taking eve.ry meas- ure to equip themselves for a forced march to the Theatre of their mis- fortunes-The System of ope.rations are to meet at Lynchs Ferry on the San Jacinto on Tuesday evening which I know it will be im- practicable for those who may tnru out among us to -do-Francis \\' Johnson and others, as Col Pettus wi_ll info1·m have alreacl~• left San Felipe for the proposed point of rendezvous iuteudiug to re- crut on the Brassos and San Jacinto as they move on-I shall leave here by light in the morning to comnmnicatc the Same to Capt Wyly Martin who will no douht Join us at the proposed point ere we march-I consider it of the ntmost importance that on this oc- casion our Brassoria on this occasion turn out Strong \Ve have been solicited to do so not only by the unfortunate and suffering victims of tJ1e wrath of a Military despot shut up in the Calnbose and crowded upon by a host of [misc]rable convicts thie,·ing from them the comforts their friends may contrive to them bnt we ha,·e been invited to cooperate with the citizens of our Colony in j?ene.ral to purchase their rclease--Let us effect it if we can-and do it we can; if. th!!ir _is unanimHy-if we make the attempt and fail we arc done forcycr, ;and therefore I repent my solicitude and anxiety that on

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