The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



No. 111 1832 Jlay 24, :M. EDWARDS TO R. JH. WILLIAMSON, [, A...'\J FELIPE] Anahuac 24th. fay 1832. Dr. Sir A flew days after you left there was a report circulated by Mr. Hall of the Brazos that there was a body of armed men on the Sabine on their l\Iarch to this place for the purpose of rescuing the 2 runaway negros that Bradburn has under his protection, This report turned out to be untrue (it however allarmed Bfadburn very much and caused him to make a great many preperations for the expected foe). about the time he was under the greatest degree of allarm he recd. two letters the . one perporting to be from a creature by the name qf foLaughlin a well known Sycophant of Brad burns. This letter proved to be a Hoax: l'!nd suspision immediately alighted on Travis as the prime instigater of this letter. Bradburn being very much mortafied at the hoax played of upon him l1ad Travis arrested immediately. Our l\futual friend P. C. Jack being anxious to ee what they intended to do with Travis went with him to Bradburns quarter. where they had an interview. Some word,; past betwen Bradburn and themselves and be ordered them to the Calibuse forthwith, l\fr. Morgan here interposed and offered to pledge every particle of property he had in the world if they could be admitted to bail all kinds of termes were rejected and they have keen kept in close confinement ever since so much so that they are not nllowed to peak to.any of their friend . Repeated applications have been made to obtain an interview with them but have invarialby proved ineffectual. I have kept up a corrispondence with them ever since their confinement untill to day when a letter was detected which they had written to me. Happyly i in my corrispondence with them assumed a ficticious name and by that means eluded immediate impri~onment. An inve. tigation is now going on and I am strongly uspi ioned. they can produce no evidence against me but I have no doubt but I shall be a tenant of the Calibose before 10 o'clock tomorrow. It is the avowed purpo e of Bradburn to send these two young men to Iatamoris immediately & for what !- Mearly be- cause they have incured the displeasure of a damed insigni:ficent filitary despot who without any evidence or any good grounds for what they ar.e u pected percecutes them to the utmost of bis power. I have made several vain attempts to arronse the feelings of the peo- ple of this place and neighborhood in their behalf but am sorry to say that there is not more than 5 persons in this place that can be de- pended upon. It is generally believed here that they will be sent to ~fattoinoris in a very short time and if there friends do not re- lea. them they must inevitably go. I have made several propositions to a few per ons here to releas them by attacking and dispercing the guard but I can not find numbers sufficient to attempt such an enterprise. They have expressed a wish that their friends ·in

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