The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



No. 108

1832 Jan.:. 30, -- TIIO:i\IAS, [COLU.JIB


"[Temperance pccch ·by Judge Thomas.]" 22 p. 10. 109 1832 May 8, [STEPHE1 r FULLER A.USTI~], SALTITJLO, f COA- HUILA, MEXICO] TO [JAl\lES FRANI"LIN A, TD El\llLY AU TIN PERRY, BRAZORIA, TE~yAS]8~

Ilis own plans. Copy (extract) by Lamar. 1 p. In no. 3, p. 24. To, 110

1832 llfay 18, J. LI DSAY TOR. l\I. WILLIAMSON

Anahuac )fay 18th 1832

Fr:iend Willey our friend P. C. Jack & trnvi arc in the Calobousc and entirely prohibited from speaking to any of their friends the Cl1:arge that Travis was taken up on was that he gave a letter to the guard some time last week-what was in the letter I know not but ,tis said that it stated there was one hundred Amerieans Comeing here from the u. s of the North for to take the place. Jac1, was taken up for nothing at all Such a state of thing will not do I think, there fiscal (pacho) is taking Declerations every day in his own hou. e .and the boys in the Calabous they under tood tliat you were till on Trinty & ent there P11g Mouth prisoner after you when I heard of it I was in hopes that you were but.lo when he returned we found that you had left we ,vil1 know in a day or two what is to be done with our friends. · every person has left Town Doct Patrick takes hi wife away this afternoon to Cloppers point if you have any lmews let me know it by the oppertunity. Yours & c. James Lind a . 1 send this letter by 1\frs Patrick to l\laj. Lems who will give it conveyance to you NB the hoy are not even allowed to write to there friends as one of tl1e oldiers were- punished the other evening for allowing them to . peake to some of there friends and a letter taken away from Hannah the black girl from Travis to :\faj. Burnett on some particular business. · ,J. Lindsay [Addrc. ed] Robert )f. Wi11iamson Sanfclipe de Austin "To be printed fn the Austin Papers.

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