The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I


P.\PERS OF Urn.\BE.\U Buo. _\P,\RTE L.tMAR

No. 104


On constitutional 0 ovcrnmcnt and guarantees. .A. Df.

6 p.


No. 105 Jc. 1830?, MIRABEAU B O APARTE LAl\11AR, COLU IBUSY GEORGIA f] On forms of government. A. Df. 3 p. l\Iutilated. No. 106 1830 Nov. 29, G. FISHER TO THE EDITORS OF THE ADVER- TISER OF TH!E PORT OF MATAMOROS, [MATAMOROS, M:EXICO]8 2 THE ADVERTISER OF THE·PORT OF MATAMOROS-EX-TRA. THE follou>ing Article was published in the Advertiser, No. 11. of 10th Febnl,(1,ry 1831 1 -1,11, Spanish. Matamoros, 9th February, 1831. Iessr . Editors of the Advertiser of the Port of Matamoros, Dear Sirs: I enclose you a copy of a communication, 88 which under date 29th ovember 1830, I remitted to the Editor of the Texas Gazette (a paper published in San Felipe de Austin) to be published in said paper, and the necessary period for its 'publication having elapsed, without having been published, I conclude, that by the influence of persons interested in the .affair to which it refers, this public and impartial medium of vindicating my good name and reputation in the same paper where it was calumniated, was denied to me, there- fore I beg you will have the. goodne s to insert the same in your worthy paper, should you think it proper, conferring a favor, for which will be obliged to you. Your most obedient Servant JORGE FISHER. No. 107 [1831? Feb. ?, THE ADVERTISER OF THE PORT OF 1 IATA- 10ROS. EXTRA. [MATAMOROS, :MEXICO]' Documents of Feb. 9, 1831, Nov. 29, 1830, and Dec. 31, [1830] Printed. 2 p. See nos. 99, 106. "English translation. Printed. In no. 107. °No. 99.

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