The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I


sell the lands which were designatd to them, nor to ali nate them to any foreigner, becau e, according to the exi ting general laws they <·annot hold landed property until after they have been naturalized in the Mexican Republic. The same government adds, t11at by the laws of the state there are no more lnnds granted to the empre at"ios (contractors) in fee simple, than those designated in the state law of 24th J\Iarch 1825,• and that, after tl1ey have introduced the numher of families which thefr contracts stiplate, and without the right of selling aid lands, except to :Mexicans, and by no means to subjects of a foreign government. The empr{'sarios have no right to transfer their contracts either to l\I1cxicans o_r to foreigners, without the knowledge and approbation of the government of the state, and con- sequently the sales of lands made by empresarios, and all other pro- ceedings which are not in conformity to the above dispositions, must he considered null and voi l; thi is made known to free the parties interested from the contract they concluded and from the imposi- tions which might have been practised upon them, preventing the damages whic11 must result to them, at the time when by a judicial decision, said contracts will be declared null and void by the au- thorities to whom this declaration has been circulated, for its exact c:ompliance and vigilance.- :M atamoras, 12 Jau. 1 31.-Jose ,lfrtrirmo Guerra. ec'y to ltis Excel'y. the Commandant General.

.,See 12th art. of the colonization law of the State. 80

No. 101

[c. 18301], CHA[RLE]S ROSSIGNOL, rGEORGIA] "Statement" in regard to hi killing Thomas Hardee. D.S. 4 p. No. 102 ! c. 1830 , i\IIRABEAU BUO JAP .ARTE LA-:\IAR, COTJU~IB Y GEORGI.At]

Book review. A. Of. 1 p. Fragment.

le. 1 30?], A. 1 01 YMO S "[Direction: to the Coloni!>ts relative to the use of tstnmp paper.] "U 1 p. Iutilatcd. "'Footnote In l\fs. "'This document has apparently been lost since the calendar or tbe Lamar Papers was made.

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