The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I

PAPERS OF MrnABE.\U BuoNAPARTE LAMAR 87 45 of the 23d of Oct. 1830. I have read the editorial paragraph, rel- ative to my conduct as collector of the Port of Galveston, and as secratary to the Ayuntamiento of Austin·, have translated it into Spanish, and laid the same before His Excellency the Commandant General of the eastern internal states, and commissioner of the gen- 1.:ral government for the colonies in Texas, Don :Manuel de l\fier y 'l'eran, for his investigation. I have done the same with the two acts of the Ayuntamiento of ustin relative to the same subject, the one of the 5th Oct. 1830, and the other of the 16th of the same month, published by order of the Ayuntamiento, in the same paper. The shortness of time does not permit me to answer in full, neither to the one, nor the other, but I will attend to them, and rectify some voluntary or involuntary mistakes made therein, and a full detail of the transactions in question shall appear in due course of time.• Meantime you will be pleased to publish this communica- tion in your said paper in both languages, for which purpose I ac- company you a translation, and to remit me by mail to this place, :ix copies of said paper in which thi communication is published; and six copies of the Gazette Jo. 45 of. the 23rd Oct. 1830, charging rne in .account with the customary prices for its publication, and for the twelve above specified copies, and drawing your order for the same on ine, payable in this place or at San Felipe de Austin. God and Liberty. 1'Iatamoros, 29th November, 1830. Jorge Fisher To 1\Ir. Godwin Brown Cotten; Editor of the Texas Gazette, in San Felipe de Austin •This cletailed account i,s nc,w ready for the press, and iuill be 7mblished as oon as circumstances will per-rnit-1!1 8 No. 100 [1830 Dec. 31], DECREE, FORBIDDI G UN UTHORIZED TRANSFER OF CONTRACTS OR SALE OF LA1 DS BY E fPRESARIOS, [SALTILLO? COAHUILA, l\IEXICO)7 9 TEXAS. Il\IPORTAr T. AN ARTICLE Published in the Advertise·r of the Port of lltatanwros No. 7. of 13th January 1831. • F~xtract of a circular sent under date of 31st of December 1830, to the civil authorities of the State of Coahuila and Texas, and com- municated to his Excellency the Commandant General of the east- ern enternal States. "The Supreme Government of the State of Coahuila and Texas has declared: that the grantees who have contr.acted to form colonial establishments in the Department of Bexar have no right to "Footnote In J\is. "Printed, English and Spanish in parallel columns. In no. 107.

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