The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



them that the country was a good one. The Indians called him a forked tongued man. 2ndly.-lt is susceptible of proff tho' it did riot come under my observation, tl~at a certain Indian in the nation forged an orde1· on a Town, which Thos. Cro,vell (brother to the Agent) bought up, it is supposed greatly below the nominal value. When the stipend coming to that Town was to be paid, the chiefs in council, denied that they had ever given such order, and the forger of it fled. Yet notwithstanding this the Agent retained a sufficiency of the stipend ($300) for his brother. The Chiefs protested against, Ilut they were answered that Thos. Crowell should not loose the amount, and that the Chiefs must look to the forger for their money. 3rdly. Although the whole nation, (with the excepting of a very few partizans) but a short time ago were anxious for his removal, very suddenly of late, the party opposed to emigration have become friendly to him,-great efforts are making by his friends in the na- . tion and a few in the state of Geo, to reconcile that portion of the Indians to his continuence in office, and some have given their as- sent, who once were anxious to have him broke. What false prom- ises, if any, bas been held out to the poor delude people I know not. 4thly. There are a great many in the Nation who have no confidence in his extending effici [e] nt protectiop to them if they declare their willingness to go. It cannot be disputed that every indian who wishes to emigrate, with the exception of the Marshalls, are unwill- ing to move with him-they are affraid of him, because be has al- ways been opposed to that party in the Nation. :No. 97 1830 11la,y 31: fSTEPIIENl FfULLER] AUSTIN, rsAN ANTONIO DE] BEXAR, fTEXASl TO J[OSE] AfNTO:NIOJ NA VARRO, [SAN ANTONIO DE] BEXAR, (TEXAS)1 5 Kavarro's commission as land commissioner; Milam, Carbajal, and the surveyorship; Viesca's prospective departure. A. L. S. 2 p. Spanish; noted as answered on June 24. No. 98 1830 July 13, [STEPHEN] F[ULLER] AUSTIN, SAN FELIPE DE AUSTIN, [TEXAS) TO JOSE ANTONIO NAVARRO, [SAN ANTOXIO DE BEXAR 1 TEXAS]1 8 Navarro's prospects as land commissioner; surveyors; their fees under the new law; Maylan; Ram6n; [Carbajal.] A. L. S. 2 p. Spanish. No. 09 1830 Nov. 29, G. FISIIER TO G. B. COTTEN 11 Maritime C11stom,.Ilouse of Galveston 1\'o. 5. By the last mnil of the 27th inst. I received the Texas Gazette No.

"To be printed In the Austin Pa.pers. ~":J:o ~e _printed_ I~. the ~u~t~n Pa.~!ra.: _

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