P..u>ERs OF :UIR.\BE.\U BuoN.\P.\RTE L.\llt.\R
their victim's veins, and are now looking on at the death agony with a demon hardihood but if there be any truth in the awful threatings of Jehovah, the suffering and death of every man wo- man and child in the nation which they have plundered and starved, will be recorded not only against them but their masters also in characters as black "As the damning drop that fell ''From the denouncing angel's pen.'' that no such coersive & hostile measures are·apprehended from the chiefs unfriendly to emigration. .They oppose it by openly declar- ing against and secretly exerting their influence over the common indian , This kind of opposition is not intended to be put down hy the ~Iitary, and the govt. knowing that no other kind existed, or ex- pected to exist, we cannot perceive the sincerity of the declaration that the "force ordered to the agency is made auxiliary to this great end ;-and the mo t ample instructions and definite orders are issued to secure it". As for dismissing the aaent, if the President were capable of performing such an act of justice, it would have been done some years a(7o for evidence has been furnished him of his faithlessness, enough to have brought condign punishment upon any other man. Even at this very time, as we have beard, he has an account hung up in the War Department so false & fraudulent that it cannot be admjtted even by official partiality. Yet notwithstand- in17 the many proofs of his treachery we are told that he will be dis- missed if he is opposed to emigration of the Indians. Who that is acquainted with the conduct of the president towards Geo would believe this 7 The truth is the Agent is not retained for the want of just rea ons to turn him out and if the Genl. Govt. was in earnest in her effort to remove the Indians to the West she would be so blind to the machinations of the arcl1 enemy of her desirns. No. 85 r 182-?, ~lIRABEA BUO1'APARTE LA1\IAR, SP ART A? GEORGIA?] Address at a public ex.amination of a girls' school. A. Df. 6p. No. g6 [182-YJ,- GARRETT, IO~T O~IERY, \LABA)1A A loye-letter. A. Df. of Lamar. 1 p. No. 87 [182-1}, CLEME...'T TERRY, [OU:NT PLEAS N'r, [GEOR- GIA 7] TO THO [1\IA] S H. KENAN, MILLEDGEVILLE, GEORGIA Situation and business prospects of J\Io1mt Pleasant· a request for
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