The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



[1829 Not•.'!, STEPIIE(\] F[ LLER] .AU TIX, [SA~ FELIPE DE AUSTIN, TEA~ S] TO JOSE A1 'T[O]N[I]O NAVARRO, [SA Ai 'TO ... 'IO DE- BEX.AR, rTEXASJ 11 [ J. E. B. Austin' ] death; the proposed collectorship of GalYeston for Navarro in relation to the pro pcct of Texa ; preference for Brazoria as a port; Williams' residence on the San Jacinto; the sale of J. E. B. Austin's interest in the 1 rew Orlenns boat; coffee and salt; an invitation to visit the [Williams]-Austin re idence near San Felipe; Mexican affair ; live tock and currency; an. wcring Navarro's letter of the 29th ultimo. A. L. S. 3 p. Spani h: noted as answered on Dec. 24. No. 8'1 [182- 1], l\I. B: LA I.AR. EDl"I'ORIAL UPOX THE GENER.AL GOVERN IENT AND THIE REl\lOVAL OF THE GEORGIA INDIAir WEST OF THE MISSISSIPPP 2 And how long, I would ask, is thi state of things to continue! "\Yhen will humanity be awakened to their ufferings 1 when will justice be done them t By_the States, never. If this remnant of a miserable race i to be saved from the all-horible destiny of death l,y starvation, it must be done by prompt and energetic mea ure 011 the part of the General Government. It will not answer to wait for the consent of the Indian , for that may never be obtained. Thi> Govt. knowing what is best ought to a sume a guardian hip over them, and "blending justice with authority, say to them 'what of right ought to be done, shall he done' ". She is doubly bound to do {hi and to save them from the impending fate because it wa her policy and the rapacity of her treacherous Agents that brought on their misforttme & reduced them to their present State of deg- radation and affliction- There ha not been a year since 1824 that the whole tribe could not have been removed without eriou di - content or difficulty beyond the l\fi is ippi, if the President bad re- irarded their wefare a little more and partizan cupidity a little less. Hut the pre.ent incumbant a well a his predecc or turning a deaf car to the just complaint of an indignant & injured people against their lying officers, they continued the e offensive offiC('rs in power notwith tandsr their acknewled"'e profligacy and detected cor- ruption, as if for the very pnrpo c of preventii:t emigration that the.v might fatten on the rcdman 's niin. These agent. bnYe at last done o riike fo11l vampire they have suckrd the last drop of hlood in nTo be printed In the Austin Papers. "This document ls made up of two fragments of an editorial which wae . apparently never put In final form.

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