The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I

Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar

. No:1 ------------ 1756 .llay 29, [At\TONI.0--B'~Y Y URSUA], MEXICO, ()IEXICO], TO ~ACI.NTO DE BARRIOS Y JAUREGUI, [SAN A TO~IO DE BEXAR] The Precidio of San Xavier, was ordered by the Iarquis of Amarillo ViceRoy, to be transferred to SanSaba; San Saba was held subject to his special jurisdiction. The que tion arose whether anSaba belonged' to 'l'exas, Coahula, or to ew l\Iexico. The Vice- Roy settled the que tion ]Jy making it independent of either or all, ~ and subjecting it to his own exclusive jurisdiction-until he c.ouh:r ·-- · ,. have an opportunity of examining its locality and deciding-t~vhich of the three claimants it properly belo!lged. ~~etter to the Govr. of Texas Don Jancinto de Barrio y ~ aated 29 may 1756 :\Iexico, he speaks thus-to wit, "In general Council held by my order, it has been resolved, that the Precidio Xavier, which is situate in the jurisdiction of your governmt, be transferred to the place called San Saba, completing its garrison to the number of an hun- dred soldiers including officers, the command of which, with the rank of captain, I have conferred upon the Colonel of Dragoons, Don Diego Ortiz Parrilla, on account of the death of Don Pedro Ravago Theran; and because it i not at present known to which of the three Government it should belo~g, that under your charge or tho e of Coabula & New l\fexico, I have determined that it he held subject to my special jurisdiction, as will be seen by the ac- companig testimonial of the decree to that effect; until until [sic] intelligence be had, as to which governmt it will be most approxi- mate; You will therefore make the necessary enquires upon this point and informe me of the same, that I m~y be compairing your views with those of the other governors, determine to which govermt its jurisdiction shall fall-" 1 San Saba fell before the dicession was made. 2

No. 2

[1758 Apr. 7], i\IARQUES DE LAS AMARILLAS, [MEXICO, :\IEXICO] TO JACI1 ·TO DE BARRIOS Y JAUREGUI, [SA ANTO IO DE B~XAR) San Saha This mission was destroyed by the Indians in 1758-or the latter part of 1757-The Iarquis de la Amarillas, ViceRoy of [exico iAn accurate translation In Lamar's hand of a. document in the Nacogdoches Archives. Other documents of interest wm be found under dates of April 7, 10, 13, 1758, ln the Bexar Archives; and in the Documentos para ia His- toria Eclesidstica y Civil de la Provincia de Texas. vol. 95, section 13, p. 38. A detailed study of the whole atralr will be found in The Sottthwestern His- torictrl Quarterly, XVII, 323. •, 'ote by Lamar. I-Library

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