The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I




0. 71

[1827 or 1828, JOSE :MARIA PUELLESYJ Report to R[amon] Arispe upon the history of Texas. A. Df. of Lamar. 19 p. Extracts; notes. No. 72 [1827?], TIMOTHY FLI T Conflicting claims of Spain and France to Texa . Copy by Lamar. l p. Hea?ed: "From Flint." No. 73 1828 Jan., :MIRABEAU B[UONAPARTE] LAl\IAR, [COLU~IBUS, GEORGIA] Pro pectu of the Columbus Enquirer. Broadside. No. 74 1828 Sept. 7, BENJ[ in ] :\IARSHALL, COLU:\IBU , [GEORGIA] Pctitiqn to the Legi lature of Georgia for permi sion to build a gri t and saw mill on the Chattahoochie River oppo ite Columbus. A. DI. of Lamar. 2 p. - Ind or ed : ''Petition of Indian for permission to build 1828.'' No. 75 1828, [JOSE l\IARIA PUELLES) 07 Report upon the Texas-Louisiana boundary. Pamphlet. 38 p. Spanish. No. 76 1829 Jan. 7, DAVID PORTER, VERA CRUZ, pIE .. "ICO] TO [Al,TONIO LOPEZ DE SANT AN rA, [EXICO, IEXICO] .Answering Santa Anna's official note of [Jan.] 2. Copy. 1 p. From Niles' 1V eekly Register, vol. 35, p. 404. JO. 77 1829Pcb.27,STEPIIENF[ULLER] AU TJ\ S .'FELIPE DB· A STIN, [TEXAS] TO JOSR A,. [TONI] 0 DR VARRO, r, A ANTONIO DE] BE.-.-AR, [TE .. "A ] 08 Acknowledging the receipt of money to be expended for coffee and "'Printed In the Loutaicma llistoric"I Quarterlv, I, 21. •To be printed In the Austin Papers.

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