The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I

PAPER 69 dependence. ,Ye have now the means of making this empire shake to its very centre. We ask you not to ri k your lives and property with us in this enterprise, unless your own feelings and.your own judgements anctiou such a con 'Se. The ri"'hts and property of every American and every Spaniard ,vill be bold acred, unless he raises nrms against us. Wc will not dictate to you what course you should pursue. Should you think proper to leave the struggle to us alone, we are nevertheless willing to fight for your rights and security in common with our own. Should we secure the Independence of this country, of which we have not an earthly doubt, you will of courso share its blessings with us. e have undertaken this glorious cause OF "l\liR,\BE.\U BUON.\P,\RTE L .\~L\R with-a determination to be freemen or to perish under the flag of Liberty. We at least are determined to live or to die like Ameri- can , and like the sons of freemen. B. W. Edwards H.B. Mayo Committee of orrespondencc. '

1827 Jan. 22, STEPHEN F[ULLER] AUSTL , SA1 FELIPE DE AUSTIN, [TEXAS) 8G Proclamation, callina his colo~ists to arms against the " 1 1 acogdoches madmen." Copy. 3 p.

1827 Ja11. 22, JOSE Ar TOr IO SAUCEDO, SAN FELIPE DE AUSTIN, [TEXAS] 00 Proclamation, setting forth the reasons for the annulment of Haden Edwards 's contract, and calling upon the inhabitants of Trinity, rTeches, and acogdoches Districts to support the Government. Copy. 3 p.


Editorial: "Governor Troup's Admini tration." Copy. 3 p.

[1827?], ANO YMOUS On Governor Troup 's administration, · Df. 5 p. •Printed in Foote, H. S., Texas and the Texans, I, 266. To be printed In tbe Austin Papers. •Printed by Bryan, Guy M., in .d. Comprehensive Histor11 of Te:i;as, I, 522

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