The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



N. 5.

[Endorsed] My enemies were persecuting me in my republic, but fortunately the authorities were informed beforehand of my unjust persecutions, and paid no attention to their false complaints. No. 66 1826 Dec. 25, B. W. EDWARDS AND II. B. l\1AYO. PROCLAlilA- TION UPON "CAUSES AND l\1OTIVES" OF RESIST- ANCE TO MEXICAN GOVERNMENT; CALLING FOR ASSEMBLY A-T NACOGDOCHES TO MAKE FORMAL DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE Nacogdoches, Dec: 25, 1826. To the People of District. lt'ellow citizens, Having assembled in the town of Kacogdoches under the flag of Independence, and consequently L...•.....•............. J lity to- wards the :Mexican United States, we [........................... J citizens, in common with all the inhabitants of the Province of Texas, who are alike interested in the destiny of this, our adopted country, to explain the causes and motives which have impelled us to take this bold .and determined stand, without fit'st calling upon you to participate in this holy cause. It was not from any want of respect and consideration for your character and feelings. It proceeded not from an unworthy suspicion of your patriotism, and yom· sym- pathies for us. No, fellow citizens, we lm.ew you were Americans, the sons of those now departed patriots, who when their rights were invaded, nobly gr.asped their arms, and planted the st.andard of Liberty and Independence in our native land. Having the same confidence in your patriotism and you1· valor, believing that the sons of America would never tarnish the proud glory of their fathers even in a foreign land, and that as brothers far from our homes, and removed to a land beyond the maternal protection of our native country, we could not doubt your sympathies for us. We could not question your feelings and your judgements in the present aspect of our political affairs. • Placed in a situation peculiar to ourselves, antl impelled by the most serious necessity-our property <laily seiscd by violence and injustice; our persons violated, our lihertics tramplrd under foot. and ourselves the destined and immediate victims of the Spanish or :\lexic:an bayonets [ ..... : ................. ..... ] to arms [for our] safety. ~o longer Eccurc I ................................ J and having long since ceased to [look] for liberty [nnd justice] under this imbecile, this faithless and perfidious government, we haYc planted the stanclard of liberty and independence for om protection, with a firm and solemn resolve to Jive or perish with it. Sci f prcservntion, the great law of natmc, is our justification for plant-

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