The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



5th. Each company of the active militia shall be composed of a captain, a lieutenant, two ensigns, one first sergeant and t~vo second . ergeant , one bu"ler, six corporals and ninety soldier , a total en- rolment of one hundred. 6th. The State Legislatures shall de. ignate the placement of these troops. The governors hall transmit nominal lists of each com- pany to the Government, a ~0011 as the enrolment have been veri- fied, and hall send a copy to the respective commanding general. In the Territory of New Mexico the Territorial Deputation and the Political Chief shall do what the legi. latures and governors are commanded to do in the states. 7th. The_conferring of office , the ervice of this [force] right of an individual hall be the same a that enjoyed by all.the [militia 11; , nd when these, companies are placed on duty, they shall enjoy the same pay as the permanent garri on, and hall be subject to the same regulations. _ 8th. The regulations of the presidial conipanies, and the meas- ures now in force concerning them, shall continue to be observed iJ1 everything which i not in oppo ition to this plan. 9th. There shall be tJ1ree inspecting aenerals in command i11 1hese states and territorie , one in Sonora and Sinaloa, another in Chihuahua and the Territory of New Mexico. and another in oa- huila and Texas, Nuevo Leon and Tamaulfpas. 'l'he headquarters of these general commands shall be Arizpe, Chihuahua and Palafox. 10th. 'fhe.salary of these shall he four thousand pesos each, if the income from their office hould be less. · 11th. There shall be two a si tant inspectors in each general r.ommand of Chihuahua, and CoHhuila and Texas, and one in that of Sonora, who shall be active lieutenant-colonels with a salary of three thonsand pesos and who shall review the troops in their re- spective garrisons at least once a year. . Jose Maria Pando, President of the Chamber of Deputies. Florentino Mal"tinez, President of the Senate. Juan, Gonie;z de la Puente, ecretat·y of the Chamber of Dep·uties. Demetrio de Castilw, Secretary of th~ Scuate.' For the reasons' expressed I command this to be printed, publi heel and circulated. Yon will duly comply with this command. Federal Government Palace, Jexico, March 21, 1826. G11adal11pe Victoria. A. D. lllnnuel Gomez Pedraza.~· I comm1miacte this to you f 01· your intelligence (tnd compliance in the part which refe1· to you. Cod and Liberty, Mexico, lllarch 2), 1 26.


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