The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I




'I'o His Excellency Rafael Gonzales Govenor of thi State.

Political Chief to the Govenor. 81

Xo. 64 1826 Mar. 21, G A.DAU PE VICTORIA. )TEXICO, [:\IBXICO] Decree, providing for the Adoption of a ystem of pre idial comr panies and militia for the defense of the eastern and western internal states and of New i\Iexico; published a congre ional decree. Printed. 2 p. Ju no. 65. 1826 March 21 i\I. G. PEDRAZA, i\IE.rICO, [MEXICO]. CIR- CULAR UPON THE ADOPTION OF A SYSTEM OF PRESI- DIAL COi\IPA rrns AJ.'D i\IILITIA; CO)DI r !CAT- . ING A PRESIDENTIAL DECREE OF i\IAR. 21 PUBLISHING A CONGRESSIONAL DECREE Jlis Excelle11cy the President of the Unilul .11fexican tales has ~een fit to send m,e the f olloil'ing decree. "The President of the United ;\[exican State to the inhabitants of the Republic, BE IT KNOWN: that the General Congress has decreed the following. '1st. The adoption of a sy tem of pre idial companies for the de- fense of the internal tates of the Ea t and We t, and for the Ter- ritory of Ne_w Mexico. 2nd. There shall be three companies of cantlry J.l rmimently stationed in the Territory of New i\!exico; five in the tate of Chihuahua; nine in that of 'onorA and Sinaloa; even in that of Coahuila and Texa ; one at the Point of Lampazo ; and two in 'l'amaulipas. The sti-eun-th of the.e compnnies, the number of of- ficer , the salarie of both troops and officer , and their allowanee are shown in the attach<'d stntement. 82 The Government hall :pecify their re pectivc whereabout . 3r<l. In addition to thi permanent force tliere sltnlJ be nn nctiYc militia of cavalry which shall lend its S<'nices onl.v when it i necc sary to a i t the garrison. 4th. aid force shnll be compo. ed of fifteen companic statio11crl fls follows: three in e.nch of the State. of 'l amnulipa~. hihunhnn, Sonorn MHl Sinnlou, two in each of thos of X11eYO I, on, onhuiln ancl Texns. 111fcl two in the Territor, of Tew )lexico.

"'Note on margin of manuscript. .,See nos. 56, 67, 68, 59, 60, 61, G2.

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