The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



Second . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.100 Tbls company should be tbe

same as the former ......29,294.

0. 0.


Third............... 6.100 Ditto do ...................29,294.


Total Strength. . . . 18. 300 Enrolment

. Total pay of the 3 com· pan I es .................87,882.



Mexico, February 3, 1826. o 62 1826 Feb. 4, INTERNAL STATES, ESTIMATES FOR TWE TY- SEVl~r COMPA IES No. 7 STATEl\IENT SHOW! rG THE PRESIDIAL COMPANIES which should exi t in the internal states of the east and west, with an estimate of the strength and pay which they hould have. Officers Oha7>lains Companies. Glm--smiths 5. In Chihuahua. . .....31. Strength of Tt·oovs Pay for the Year. Pesos. Rs. • Gs. 139,754. 0.

o. 2. 0.

469. 747. 82/i. 138. 332. 300. 2,812.

192,482. 235,718.

0. 0. 0. o. 0.

9. In Sonora and Sinaloa.... 45. 7. In Coahuila and Texas. .... . 42. 1. At the Point of Lampazos. 07. 2. In Tamaullpas. . . . . . ... 14. 3. In New Mexico............ 18. 27. Companies.-Total . . . . ...157.

039,354.. 0.



087,882. 0.

787,818. 2.


Mexico, Febr-1w,ry 4, 1826.

1826 Feb. 19,· J. A. SAUCEDO, [SAN ANTONIO] TO R. GON- ZALEZ, [SALTILLO, ~fEA'1CO] 00 l\Iost Excellent Sir, The Alcalde of Iacogdoches by hi official note of 31 t. Deer. of last year communicates to me; that by a me enge1· express from the Shawanee Indians, he has been informed that five thousand of their families were already on their way to settle them- selves, at the place pointed out hy the Government, and although it becomes my duty upon their arrival, to cause them to conform to the rules and regulations laid down by his Excellency the Pres- ident, when he approved of their migi-ation, I find it difficult to cbtain the necessary troops, to effect it, in consequence of the feebl~ state of the Garrison at this place, it being -much reduced, and inas- much as the cavalry are absolutely without horses it i impossible for them to unde1·take so long a march. God and Liberty. Bexar 19th Feby. 1826. l\I.ost Excellent Sor, Jose Antonio Saucedo. ..English translation; the original has not been found. Appended to no. _53.

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