The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



of the two flyi1l{J ctnnpanies of the State of Ta.m,a1ilipas, with an esti- mate of the pay and aUowances whi,ch tkey should enjoy in the f1iture. Pay for the Year. Strength. P. R. G. r 1. ..... Capitan .................01,500. 0. 0. I 1. ..... 1st Lieutenant ........... 00,800. 0. 0. 1. ..... 2nd Ditto ................ 00,700. 0. 0. 1. ... .. 1st Ensign... ........ . .. .00,600. 0. 0. 1. ..... 2nd Ditto ................ 00,500. 0. 0. 1. ..... Chaplain ................00,500. 0. 0. First ............. 5 Sergeants, 360 pesos each per year ... . ... .... . 01,800. 0. o. 1 Drummer or Bugler.......00,144. 0. 0. 10 Corporals, 300 pesos each per year .. ...... ... ...... 03,000 0. 0. 150 Soldiers, 240 pesos each per year . . . .... ......... 36,000. o. 0. 7.166 Enrolment Pay for the year.. 46,314. 0. 0. Second ........••..•. 7.166 This company is identically the same as the former one ....... . .. ..... . ....46,314. 0. 0. Total Strength 14,332. Enrolment. Total pay for the two companies ..............92.628. o. 0. MEXIaO, FEBRUARY 3, 1826 .. Jo. 61 1826 Feb. 3, NEW l\IEXICO, ESTll\IATE FOR THREE COM- PA IES STATEMENT SIIOWING THE VETERAN co,npanies which are considered necessary fo1· the defense of the Terri- tory of New Mexico, with an estimate of the strength, pay and allow- ance they should have in the future. PAY FOR TIIE YF.AR COllPAXJES. S-rnENOTII. PESOS. 1 Rs. Gs.

o. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.

0. 0. 0. 0. o. o. 0. o.

1. ..... Capitan ·.................01,600. 1. ..... Lieutenant ..............00,SOO. 1. . .... 1st Ensign ............... 00,600. 1. ..... 2nd Ditto ................. 00.600. 1. .. ... Chaplain ................00,600. l•'lrat ............... { 1. . .... Gun-amIth ..... , , .......00,270.

3 Sergeants, 360 pesos each. 01,080. · 1 Drummer or Dugler....... 00,144. 6, 300 pesos each per year ................01.800. !JO Soldiers, 240 pesos each per year ...............21,600. Annual Allowance ........ 00,500.



0. 0.

0. 0. o.

G .100 Enrolment •

Pay for the year .. 2!l,2!l4.


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