The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



Opatas de Babfspe... 3.. 81 Identically the same as the former .. ........... . 13,372. Plmas de Tubae.....3..81 Ditto Ditto...................13,372.


0. 0.


GENERAL SUMMARY. Fronteras. . . . . . . . . . . 6 .. 94 Enlistments provided tor the year ................ 27,854. Santa Cruz.......... 6.. 94 Ditto Ditto: .... ... .. ..... .27,854. Tucson.............. 6 .. 94 Ditto Ditto .. ........ ...... 27,854. Altar................ 6 .. 94 Ditto Ditto ................ 27,854. Buenavista.......... 6. .64 Ditto Ditto.......... •...... 20,474. Pltlc................ 6 .. 64 Ditto Ditto ................ 20,474. Qpatas de Bacuachi.. 3..81 Ditto Ditto................13,372. Ditto de Bablspe. . ... 3.. 81 •Ditto Ditto................13,372. Pimas de Tubae...... 3. .81 Ditto Ditto. .. .............13,372.

0. 0.

0. 0. o.

0. 0. o. 0. 0. 0. 0.

0. 0. 0. 6. 6. 6. ------

Total strength.... 45.747 Enlistments.

Total pay for the nine companies ... .......... 192,482.



MEXICO, FEBRUARY 3, 1826. No. 58

1826 Feb. 3, CO JIUILA AND TE.,,..AS, ESTDfATES FOR SEVE~ PESIDIAL COMP NIES o. 3 11ATEME'/\'T SIIOWING TJIE STRE;\ GTH which the seve1i conipanies co11,Sidered necessa.ry for the; defense of the State of Coah11,ila and Texas sho11ld have, with a summary of the pay and allowances they should enjoy in the future. PAY FOB THE YEAJI. COllPANIES. ST&ENGTll. PESOS Rs. Gs. 1. ..... Captain ........... .... .. 01,500. 0. 0. 1. ..... Lieutenant .............. 00,800. 0. 0. 1.. . ...1st Ensign . . . . ...... : ... 00,600 0. 0. 1. ..... 2nd Ditto . . . .. . . . .......00,500 0. 0. 1. ..... Chaplain ................00,500. 0. 0. Monclova. . . . . . . . . . . 1. ..... Gun-smith ...... . .... ..... 00,270. 0. 0. 3 Sergeants, 360 pesos each .. 01,080. 0. 0. 1 Drummer or Bugler....... 00,144. 0. 0. 7 Corporals, 300 pesos each per year ................ 02,100. 0. 0. 107 Soldiers, 240 pesos each per year ................... 25,680. 0. 0. Annual allowances ........ 00,600. 0. 0. 6. 118 Enrolment Pay for the year.... 33,674. Rio Grande......... 6.118 This company the same as the rormer ... _. .......... 33,674. o. 0.

0. 0. 0.

0. 0. 0.

Agua Verde...... . . 6.118 Ditto do....... . . .........33,674. Bavla............... 6.118 Ditto do .. ............... 33,674.

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