The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



iuto con ideration two petitions of the Tribe of Shawanee Indians praying for lands in the territory of this state for their familie and tho e of their friend and allies. Therefore, and by virtue of the order issued by the said Honorable Legislature under date of yester- day, I have thought proper to determine, that inasmuch as they are settled on the right bank of Red River of Natchitoche , within the twenty frontier border leagues reserved to the General Government by the Colonization law of 18th Augu t, and ubsequent order of the Supreme Executive Power dated 25th of same month, although for the present the lands petitioned for by the parties interested, in quantities of one English mile square, for each family, ought not to be granted to them, much le , to those who wi h to follow them; they are permitted a well themselves, a their friends already :.-ettled, to continue cultivating and improving the lands, which 1hey may already have opened, or which they may haYe began to cultivate, re. ervina to the upreme Executive of the Federation, the right of deciding as to their permanenly remaining. Thi being his exclusive privilege subject to his immediate cognizance and ap- proval. Done at town of Salti1lo, on the 24th of December 1824. Juan Antonio Padilla, Secretary. Rafael Gonzales.

1825 Apn?. 16, [L.] ALA~fA, T TO fR. GO. 'ZALE


ME~rIC0] 08

lo t Excellent Sir, I have laid before his Excellency the President, your official note of the 29th ulto., with a copy of the file of document formed at the eapitol of your state, in relation to the grant of land. to the hawanee Indians, on the right b.ank of Red River of 1 T atchitoches. His Ex- cellency the President de ires me to say ~o your Excellency, in re- p)y, that in conformity with the 4th article of the colonization law of the 18th Augu t 1824, he approves of the settlement of the shawanee Indian at the points designated by your Excellency. pro- vided they conform to the Constitution and law of the nation, and that they themselves do not form a separ.ate body a a nation, with authorities of their own, but remain obedient to tho c of the state. To this end he deems it expedient that they should not be permitted to locate altogether in one body, but that their village or huts should be separate one from another, and that your Excellency take proper measures to can e them to embrace the e tabli hed religion of the country should they not already profe it, in order that they may become peaceable, industrious and u eful inhabitants of that state of the union.-God pre erve your Excellency many years. fcxico 16th April 1825. A· C6py Alaman. Juan Antonio P.adilla. ..English translation; the or! nat ha11 not been found

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