The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



No. 46 [1822 July 4] JAl\IES CLARK, EATO)l'l'O. r, GEORGIA Independence day address. Df. 20 p. TO. 47 1823 Apr. 8, S[TEPITEK] F[ULLER] AUSTIN, MEXICO, [l\fEXICO] 68 Xotes ·upon hi own pamphlet Plan for the Organization of Congress for the Jt1npire of Jlea;ico, [Aug. 8, 1822.] Copy by Lamar. 2 p. Prefatory note by Lamar. In no. 3, p. 29-30 . • 'o. 48 [1823 .lfay?, STEPHEN FULLER A STIN, MONTEREY, irnx. ICOJ TO [THE PROVINCIAL DEPUTIES OF COAHUILA, ru:EVO LEON, Y TEXASpt Announcing his return ou hi way to Bexar; the completion of the preliminary business of his colony by the Supreme Government; his loyalty, especially to Texas; his detention; plans for the journey. Copy by Lamar. 2 p. · Appended to no. 35, p. 52-3. ro. 49 [1823 Jllay?, STEPHEN FULLER AUST! ', iIO TEREY, MEX- ICO] 'fO -, pIOXTEREY, MEXICO]5 5 The status of the colonial business; a request regarding the trans- lation of the above letter. Copy by Lamar. 1 p. Appended to no. 35, p. 54. No. 50 [1823 '], J. CRAWFORD TO [G. M. ·TROUP ?, l\IILLEDGEVILLE, GA.f) Friday Morning. Dr. Sir. Permit me to recommend to your confidence & patronage, my young friend Mirabeau Lamar. He is a gentleman not more dis- tinguished by the loftiest sentiments of honor, than by mental superiority & devotion to republican politics-:Mr. Lamar asks the appointment of Secretary to the Executive Department.

With greatest esteem Your Mst. Obt. (Signed) J. Crawford.

"To be printed ln the Austin Papers. ~To be printed In the Austin Papers. ''To be 11rlnted In the Austin Paper's.

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