The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



which has been much neglected-or in other words altogather- A rPvinew is wanting. .A direct tax leaved payable with :Military scrip would pleas the people this I know for I have heared the opinions of man~· very many,- the features of the land Bill was intirely sa-tisfactory to the cittisans scarse a :Mnrmer- why not pass it into a law-the dews on land to the goverment under the Colonization law would ue somthig hansom- then the direct tax are [on] the whole would pay three millions in two years to trr to have a gover- ment without a revinew is abserd in this full extent- I am com- plaining-tho to tell the truth I do not lmO\, what provisions the go,·ernment has made or what she will make I hope for Better- ! wish to know wheather the land office will be oppened this con- gress or not- and what disposision will be made of the soldiers lands and thie1· scrip your information on these 3 [sub] ject - and any other will be very thankfully Recieved I am -- yours most Respectfully Genl. ::n Lamare Griffin Bayne [A<ldressed] [Endorsed] To His Exccllance :\I- Lamare yp H of Texas Griffin Bayne Robertsons Colony 1i Der) 1 37 ) Prii·atc

No. 637

1837 Dec. 26, THOP,L\.]S CAYCE, CA,.'l"[E]Y [CREEK? 'l'EXASJ, TO :\I[IRATIEAU] B[ Q~.,\.PAR'l'E] LA)L\.R, BRAZORIA, [TEXAS] The bearer, Langford, authorized to make arrangements with Lamar regarding the Taylor and ~fa1·tin Colorado land contracts; Taylor and )Iartin 's notes [June 8, 1837], enclosed. A. L. S. 1 p. Enclosed notes, 4 p.; see no. 559. No. 638 1 37 Dec. 27, AXTIIONY FOS'l'ER, COLU)IBUS, J\lISSIS~IPPI, TO )II IH,\BgAr] B[lTOXAJ>,\HTl•~] J.1.A)L\R, HOUS'f ~. 'l'R.'AS Hcq11e.'>ii11g- official certificates exonerating him from a charge of dishoncst dealing with the Texan government; references; per ·onal plans and messages. ,\. L. S. 3 p. No. 639 18,'17 T>rc. 2.?. \qJT,TJTA:i[l ,Jl~FFER 0~ JO~ES, )TOBil.1E. [ALA- BA)L\J, 'l'O M[IRARE,\U] BfUO~AP.AR'l'E] LA:\IAH, [1101 STO~. 'rE_-A ] Introduci11~ :'.II r. ITozle, of ::\fobilc; his own plan to accompany General Hamilton to Tc>xns; the failure of the lexican army to im·ade 'l'cxas. A. L. S. 2 p.

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