James Christian ·wm. ~ 1 ickelson Jessee Blair Westly Nickelson
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The names of the wounded were
John Zckel Wounded Robert Fletcher " I Blis ''
Those who escaped unhu1·t were Lieut. A. B. Van Benthuy en 1th Lieut. of Boyers Company James Rice Felix iicClu ky Buckman Hobson To much praise cannot be bestowed upon those brave men who fe]] all of them received their death shot and die<l in a few minute after being shot, their cry was fight on fio-ht on you can whip the In- dians )fr. Bostwick after being shot t11rough the body loaded & fired hi Rifle three times & had the fourth load in his gun when he expired in the act of drawing his Ramrod from hi Rifle, Young Cooper insisted that we should help him up and let him fight after securing a death hot, After breaking through the Indians we commenced our retreat on foot, we had just crossed the skirt of timber when we again came in sight of the Indians, they did not attempt to pursue us but stood an<l looked at us, they had enough of Hie fight for we had killed about fifty of their warriors- Nov 20th ten clays after the fight arrived at the [ ] Eye & Caddo village or camp, we first discovered an Indian on the praire we followed him to his vi!lage when we arrivd there, we found the warriors drawn up to receive us in a hostile manner they were all armed with Rifles & the quaw had Bow & Arrows I expected nothing el e but we should have to fio-ht them but after a good deal of parleying they •aid that our little party mi<Yht stay there that night we then clrc sed the wounds of the men and camped in the mid t of the hostile camp, 21th we croSl ed the Hiver Trinity at three Forks, that eve11i11g we arrived at th Ki kapoo village who were ver~· friendly and treated us with th.e utmost ho pitality they gave us omething to eat & the next moruin<Y two of their young men went with us to a trial which they told u. thnt lc>cl to the Rh·cr Neches or Saline. On the 27th we arrived at the saline making in all seve11tcen days and one night we had retreated through an cncmys country on foot without blaukcts or horses J left the w uucl men at the alinc, on the 28th stmte 1 for Hou ton wh re I arriv<l on the 8th of Decem. after an ab ence from Houston of . ix month Sir, under. tanding that yo wished to ee a memorandum of my proceeding while on our eout & likewise om· fight with the Indian.,
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