The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I


P. 4, note u, the period after "Casas" should be placed after the brackets. P. 30, no. 16, I. 2, In heading, after "Spain]." Insert [.] • otes '", ", '" should be printed at bottom of page. P. 32, no. 21, in heading, after "La.?)," Insert [ 22). P. 47, no. 38, par. 1, I. 1, for "both" read born. P. 53, no. 43, in heading, after "Cahawba," insert [,]. P. 59, group 7, 1. 4, for "Capitan" read Captain. P. 62, group 1, I. 2, for "Capitan" read Captain. No. 61, group 1, l. 3, for "Capitan" read Captain. P. 69, note .., after "522," Insert [.]. P. 89, no. 104, in heading, reverse first half of brackets. No. 105, in head· ing, reverse first half of brackets. P. 94, no. 116, In heading, for "Piedra" read Piedras, and before "San," Insert([] . • P. 117, no. 133, In heading, for "Other" read Others. P. 138, I. 6, there should be a space after "seventy." P. 139, no. 153, in heading, "and" should be in capital letters. Noten, "post• script" should begin with a capital Jetter. P. 146, no. 161, 1. 1, for "on account" read an account. P. 166, par. 2, I. 23, after "agony," insert [.]. P. 170, no. 185, in heading, after "l\Texico," insert []]. P. 177, I. 1, for "Forehand," read forehead. P. 183, par. 3, I. 7, for "oraanize" read organize. P. 238, no. 230, In heading, for "Bowls" read Bowles. P. 239, no. 232, heading should read: 1835 Sept. 24, T. J. Rusk and S. Houston to ......,...... ... . : P. 240, "[Addressed]" and "[Endorsed]" should be on the same line. P. 260, no. 264, I. 31, for "[Signed in Duplicates,]" read (Signed in Dupli- cates), and for "ayt." read & agt.• L. 32, "Capt. Shackelford's Acol." should be printed under "[Endorsed]."

P. 265, note " should be printed on p. 266. P. 286, note•, after ''through," insert [.]. P. 302, note " should be printed on p. 301. P. 304, no. 305, par. 2, delete l. 5. P. 309, note " should be printed on p. 308. P. 311, no. 311, par. 1, I. 2, for "provisions" read provisslons. P. 314, note 01 should be printed on p. 313. P. 320, note .. should be printed on p. 319. P. 321, par. 2, 1. 1, "'"" refers to note .. on p. 320. P. 324, note " should be printed (Ul p. 325. P. 330, no. 332, par. 2, I. 3, after "A," insert [.]. P. 332, notes ", 44 should be printed at ·bottom of page. P. 334, no. 336, in heading, for "Jiurnal" read Journal. P. 340, note ,. should be printed on p. 339. P. 345, note .. should be printed on p. 344. P. 353, note " refers to document no. 354. P. 368, no. 358, in beading, delet~ period after the dash. P. 369, note .., for "No" read no.

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