[of Stephen II. Everitt and oth r . enators, Dec. 1] for Lamar to become a candidate. A. Df. . 2 p. A copy in no. 361, p. 222-23. No. 631 1837 Dec. 7, THO::\IA J. RU Y, HOU TO.', [TE~·A ], TO l\I[IRA- BEAU] B[UOXAPAR'!'E) LA~lAR, [HOU TO~]5• Answering Lamar's note of [D c. 7]' in regard to the pre idential que tion; di claiming any intention to enter t11e race; commending Lamar's patriotism, and urging him to accept the call to become a candidate. A. N. S. 2 p. A copy in no. 361, p. 223-2-1.
No. 632
1837 Dec. 7, :i\I. B. LAMAR TO . II. EVERITT A. 'D OTHER [IIOUSTO, 1 ]
Houston 7th Deer. 1837.
I have received your very polite note 0~ of the 1st in tant, in which you de ired to know i,f I will permit my name to be placed before the people as a andidate for the next president of our republic. I cannot be insensible gentlemen to the high compliment which thi kind ex pre ion of your confidence Couv<'ys: and I feel more grateful because it proceec1s from those over whom it has been my duty as Vice president to pre. ide, and to whom of con equence I am intimately known. I can only ay in an wer that as I came to this country for the sole purpose of ubserving the great object of the revolution, until tho~e objects are fully achieved. I do not feel myself at liberty to decline the duties of any tation, however high or humble to which the voice of my fellow citizen may call me. With he t wi he for t11e welfare of nll. Your Obedient ervant )Iirabeau B Lamar. 'ro S. II. Everitt. AC Horton. J S l', trr etc. etc. etc. No. 633 [1837? after Dee. 8], .,\. B. BE. ·'l'n Y E:\", (H U T , Tl TO · ~L B. LA::\[AU Oct 13th 1837 I left Fort Smith in company with Capt En Uand situuted on th watl'r. of IJittle River, To,· 1th l part d company with Capt. K on the wntcrs of the ,olorndo. I pur urcl the trail ..Printed In Tlle Southu;catem 1/istorical Quarterlv, XXIII, 168. '"No. 623.
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