The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



Believe me, General, with sentiment. of the highe t respect, Your humble servant,

T. Ileger [rubric]

D. III. P.

To General 1 lirabcau B. Lamar, [Acldres d] To General 1\Iirabeau B. Lamar.

0 . 628

1837 Dec. 6, J. W. J. NILES TO ir. B. L.Al\L-\R

_ niatagorda, Dec. 6th, 1837.

Iy dear Sir:

I ha-,'e completed arrangements for the purchase of lport for that purpose. I shall leave this place for llouston, probably tomor- row & take pru sage from Galveston in the teamer for Orleans.- In order to feel ea. y aboµt the concern here when absent on busine s in H, I have di. posed of an int rest in the Bulletin of One third reserving to m;vself the controlling power in politics, I was offered all I could have a. keel for the concern, if I would have Sold to a gentleman for the support of a certain candidate for the Presidency -I shall tell you when we meet. I£ the materials. should arrive, plea e have them tored with l\Iessrs Allens' 'till I come-You may expect me in a day or two Yours truly J. W. J. Jiles [rubric] P. S. You will notice your address, etc, in onr this weeks' Bulletin an extensive office, & have hipped the Spic[

rAddres~edJ I. Il. Lamar

Vice Pre~ident of R. of T. Houston

o. 629

1837 Dec. 6, THO[l\IA] CAYCE, QULF PRAIRIE, [TEXAS], TO l\l [IRABEAUl Bf 0NAPARTE] LAnIAR, no ST0X, [TEXAS] In regard to the Taylor and l\Iartin contracts with him elf for Colorado River land. A. L. S. 3 p. 0. 630 1837 Dec. 7 l\URABEAU B[UO .A.PARTE] LAMAR, HOUSTON, [TEXAS] TO [THOl\fAS J. RUSK, HOU TO;r TE.,r A. ] 53 Requesting an interview to try to reach some amicable agreement regarding the candidacy for the presidency, in view of the request "Printed in The Southwestern HistoricaJ Quarterly, XXIII, 168.

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