The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



in the lower countl'y or I will sell a part of most any of tue tracts of laud belonging to the Estate of Genl. Austin 4 Leagues in the banks of ::\!ill Creek or I would sell mv Chocolate stock farm with the stock on it at a very low price it contains 6 3/4 Leagues with plenty of - timber to suport it . l\ly object is to sell as much land as will enable me to live comfort- ably, as we cannot expect to liYc always, any assistance yon can give me in the sale of any of the above land will oblige me "\Ym T Austin informed me ron wished to purchase some lots in the neighborhood of Bl'azoria if yoµ still wis~ to purchce I will sel I to you on good terms I would like to sec you verry much on the subject of the suit we have against 1\lrs Hill, but on this subject I must have a personal interYiew Mrs Perry has. rehm1ed from the U S. her health is verry much Better l\foses A Bryans health is not so )?ood he has been quit sick since he got home but is now better. 1n hopes of. seeing or hcariug from yon soon 1 remain your

Sincere friend

James F. Perry [rubric]

[Addressed] Genl. i\Iirabeau B Lamar City of Houston

No. 627

1837 Dec. 6, T. LEGER T.O 1\1. B. LAl\L\R [HOUSTO~]

Brazoria 6 December 1837.

General, The critical position of Texas requi:res the cooperation of all good citizens, to the encl that this beautiful country may attain the hil,'.?h rank of which it is susceptible. In France, the intimate friend of Benjamin Constant, La Fayette & Cm,imir Pcrier, \\'Orthy successors of your relation the immortnl i\Tirabcau I have become. of course, a disciple of their school; & I believe I have ac(]uired an exp<:'rienec in political affairs, that will e11ablc me to be useful to the country which I have adopted. ~r. Thompson, who hands you this, will present to yon the prospectus of a .Journal undertaken with a design entirely pa- triotick, & he will explain to )'OU the means of its success, upon which we think we mar rely. •One of these means, & in rny opinion the chief, is your cooperntion in the noble career we int<'nd to pursne; articles from rom able p<'n & your support for thr rirculat ion of this ,Journal, would he a sure guarantee of success: thrn the people themselves, sering, among thl' protectors of this enterprise, the man most hC'lovc1l by them, will, in no wny, 1lo11ht the siucrrity of our political faith nucl vic,,·s for th<:'ir pro1-prrit y.

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