The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I




has been subjected to great inconvenience and compelld. to sell some scrip at a great sacrafice to meet his necessary expences., his explana- tion with accounts from almost every other quarter will sati fy the Government that absolute necessity al01ie has compelled him to di pose of some scrip at less than the Government price.,

Very respy Your Friend & Servt.

E. Hall· [rubric]

Hon :i\I B. Lamar

Vice President


Hon l\f. B. Lamar Vice President

Hewe Esq.

No. 626

1837 Dec. 5, J. F. PERRY TO l\I. B. LAMAR

Peach Point Deer. 4th. 1837

Genl. l\L B. Lamar .

l-3anccoft Libra!}


I hear with pleasure o.f your return, and hope your advice and council will be of much service, at this time as both the Cabin'et and Congress, appears to me are at a loss what course to persue I left the papers you selected from Genl. Austins (carefully put up in a Box) in the care of Iessrs James Reed & Co New Orleans. Subject to your order I wrote to you from ew Orleans in i\Iay informing you of the disposition I had made of them. I directed my letter 52 to Columbia. Georgia. I have not had the pleasure of a line from you on the subject, please write to me whether you received the paper , and what progress you made in the work you contemplated writing wh~n you left this country, I would like very muc_h ·to see you on several subject . I am in hopes when the seces ion [sic] of Congress closes you will visit this part of the country .Should any .of your acquances wish to purchce lands. I would like verry much to sell some low for cash I would sell the whole or :part of the following tracts of land, very lo,v for cash 3 1/2 Leagues of valuable land in Cole settlement. about half timber the balance good prairie This tract I offered to Govt. to establesh the permanent eat of Government on. Should they not accept my offer I will ell it ' • 1 League on Clear Creek. the third best Ileague on that stream 2 leagues belonging to the Estate of Genl. Austin. situated below Col Hall's one. a Brazos League the other a praire league. These are valuable leagues and is admirable calculated for. · planting and stock raising. and are of the healthyist situations "See note to no. 556.

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