The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



Col (Forbes of Nacogdoches is your warm Friend and says his neigh- bours are also Maj. Pierson of l\Iilam says His People will be mostly for Lamar Maj. Robertson says the same is your friend . Judge Rains is for you as near as I could Learn (being a stranger) he says his constituents are for you. Capt Jno English of Shelby says they will be divided equally- The Jasper members say you will get the vote of that county I have arranged so as to Correspond with a number on the subject and If any thing Occurs worthy of Notice will Communicate it to you. I think If you had a Room nearer town it might be Well. Call on rue when you c[a]n. perbapse I may be able to shew you the madam.

Respectfully your Friend

R. R. Royall. [rubric]

I have no time to Revise




Genl. l\I. B. Lamar Present

No. 623

1837 Dec. 1, S[TEPIIEN] H. EVERITT AND OTHERS, HOUS- TON, TEXAS, TO l\I[IRABEAU] B[UONAPARTE] LA:\fAR, [IIOUSTO~, 1 TEXAS]~ 1 Requesting authority to use Lamar's name as a candidate for the presidency. Copy by Lamar. 2 p. In no. 361; p. 219-220; headed: '' Correspondence. Connected with the nomination of General Lamar as a candidate for the Presidency."

No. 624

1837 Dec. 2, HENRY W. JERNJGAX, COLU:\IBUS, GEORGIA, TO :\URABE.AU B [UOXAPARTE] LAMAR, [IIOUST.ON, TEXAS] Introducing Walter Robinson, of Stewart County; his services under Jernigan in the late Creek war. A. L. S. 1 p. No. 625

1837 Dec. !J, E. HALL TO ~[. B. LA:\L\ R

New Orleans Deer. 5, 1837

Dear General

Saml. Hewes Esq. the bearer will hand you this.. He has been engaged in the Business of the Oovernm<'nt and in conse- quence of the scarcity of money and tlull sales of Scrip, like myself . ••Printed In The Boutllwrsteni Historical Qu11rtcrl11, XXIII, 168.

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