The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



or shall contravene the policy of the Government--Or shall violate public law-or shall commit-any acts incompatibl~ with the integrity or dignity of his station, or which will bring discredit or reproach on the Government-and be shall "thereby lose the confidence or incur the displeasure of the Pre ident, so that they cannot harmonize in con- ducting the affairs·of the Government- the public good requires that the Secy should be dismissed and another appointed in his place. That should such a misunder tanding be brought about between the President and a Secy. that they cannot harmonize-no matter what may be the grounds, or how faultless the ,Secy. the ·public good and public policy requires that the President should be permitted to re- move the obnoxious Sec. and appoint one with whom he can unite co1,dially in carryin'g on the operations of Govt..-

No. 621

1837 Dec. 1, JAilES S. J 1JES, i\IATAGORDA, [TEXAS], TO i\IIRABEAU B[ ONAPAR'fE] LAl\IAR, HOUS'TO , [1'E-'"ASJ Sending a letter of introdnction froin his brother, J. W. Jones, of Iobile; his own _regret at failing to see Lamar; his connection with the lllatagorda Bulletin· his desire to secure a loan to purchase the entire interest; a request for advice; a promise to send the number for Dec. 6. A. L. S. 3 p. No. 622 1837 Dec. 1, R.R. ROYALL TO JI. B.. LA~IAR, [IFOUSTO;;-J]

Houston 1st December 1837-

Dear Genl.

Being about to Leave and not having time to call at your Room I Avail myself of this Moment to say that I have Examined among the members as to the state of Public Opinion Relative to the Presidential Election, and Find an Increasing Interest in your Favor. Opinions Run 'l'hus Judge lenifee.of Colorado bis Country· is For Burnett But having much Esteem for Lamar may be Brought Over. Doctr Roulett & Mr Ellis say Red River will be for Lamar. Jno. H. 1\loore Colorado say Burnett & Lamar stand high and you are much Injured by bsence i\Ir Brookfield of Mill Creek says his People will be divided on the subject Maj Sutherland says the most of his People will be for ·Burnett. I will se him to day and think I can say o much to him as to change his own mind on that subject Col Patton thinks Burnett will Run something best in Columbia Ir. DeBland thinks you will in Brazoria 1\Iy country is nearly all for you, e will call a meeting as soon as I get home and Publish the Result Josep Baker says a Letter from Genl. Rusk or Houston or a few active Friends will give the Vo_tes ·of Bexar to either Party.

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