The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



-B. 2-Statement in Presidents message mattl.'r of History. The use of the navy had already been refused-See Yeto ~Ies- sage. (R 12) ,l:th- Offensive character of his publications in the Teleg-raph-The reply to the Committee on the 4th Sept. the very day lie reported for duty, after having e.'rneeded his furlough nearly double the time granted. (Sec Tel. Sep. 9. B. 9) evinces a distrust of the approbation of the Executive, and a disposition to make a party with the "PEOPLE," whose feelings would naturally be excited• and carried to enthusiasm bv the fame of militarv success. And at that time the true character of the cruise wa~ not known.- Accepts the approbation by the poople of the_ supposed ''gallant exploits" of the Sqn. as due'to him as the "Head of the Depart- ment''-but is willing it shall be '' extended to the officers and crews. "-Letter to Dr. Bartlett, (an Englishman, publishing a British News'J)<lper in New York) evinces a total disregard of the opinion~ of the world, and a contempt for the maxims of '' systematized Governments.' '-See also his card in the Tele- graph Sept. 16th (B. 10.)-which is clisrespcctfnl to Ex. sueer- ing-taunting-ironical.-Says he '_'wrote a resignation, intend- ing, if leave of absence were refused, to tender it" See Depo. of H. Smit11 Nov. 16th where he gives a different account of his intended resiguation.-Betrays a temper and hostility of feeling incompatible with the respect due the Ex. and the confidence that ought to exist between them. 5th- His letter to the P. of the 18th Octo. 1837 (.A. 10.) disrespectful -grossly insulting-charges P. with :falsehood-imbecility aris- ing from pecnliar diseases-(inncndo, llfania a pol11,-n- charges l1im with offering an "indignity" to the Senate-makes a high toned & arroirant demand for redres..c;, &c. · The whole tenor of that letter, as well as his publication of 16th Sept. con- tumelious-and utterly inconsistent with the dignity of his own station and the deffercnce due to the Exeentive. See .Joint Res- olntion of Congress-appro,·ed Dec. !:3th 1830-Laws of Te:xns Vol. 1. p 77.- "There does not exist in the Honl. S. R. Fisher that dispo- sition to consnlt the good of t11c country & to obey its laws which should characterize a member of the Cabinet. "-(see )fcssa~e)


Thi.' Honl. S. R. Fisher Sec. of the Navy, stands in a relation to the President which forbids the supposition that they can e,·er again harmonize; and· that in conseqnence the respertahility and efficiency of the Govt. must be impaired and the public good injnre<l unless the Senate will consernt) tliat the Pr<>sident be permitted to remo,·e th!.' present inenmhent and appoi11t a new Secy. of the ~avy. Whenever it shall happen that u Secy. of a Department shall tran- scend the proper limits of his rlnti<>s-or nsnrp authorit~· that docs not belon~ to him--0r be disobedient to tl1e orders of the Presicll.'nt-

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