The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I

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The scrip says no preference shall be given e cept to Land already located, with this provi ion how can Govt. open the Land office for other claiments to the exclu ion of the scrip

any gentleman going to Texa will confer a favor by taking this to its destination [Endorsed]


Hon I. B. Lamar •Yice President

Letter of Edw Hall

Tatchez N'ovr 21, 1837

Republic of Texas

No. 619 1837 /,'av. 30, J. i\IAYRA1 1 T, i\IOBILE, [ALABA:\IA], TO i\f[IRABE U] B [UOl JAP.6.RTE] LAMAR, [H0UST0 ], TEX:AS Introducing George Smith, of Virginia. A. L. S. 1 p. To, 620 . [1837 N av. . ], S. R. FISHER'S CASE, [H0UST0, r Y) ~ 9 Principal l\lisdemeanor s charged in President' 1\Ie age.~ 0 1st. Proposition to 'l'ho . Toby to engaire in a speculation in To- bacco, to be smuggled into the ·enemy's country & traded 'iYith the enemy, on their joint acct. and for their private advantag~ Ve el of Texas Navy to be so disposed of by the cc. as to give protection to the ilicit traffic-Horses and mules, got in ex- change for the Tobacco, to be sold to the Texas Government.- See letter, Fisher to Toby Jan. 9th 1837 (~ o. !)-Contrary to established principles of international Law. ( ee Wh[e]nlo11, fol. 221 et seq.)-Contrary to policy of the Republic, and the duties and proprietie. of his station-inceptive treason-"'iving "aid & support to the enemy" ( ee Declaration of Right , cc. 16.) calculated to bring odium on the Govt. ·c. The operation mad in 'l'obacco by the Commander of the Army, and with the approbation of the Executive, demanded by the necessity of the ease-Warranted by sound policy, and by Executive authority-the public ~oo<l only in view.-( ee Depon. of Cageneau, •'ov. 11th and r<'collect tatement of Genl. Rn. k.) consi tent with the principle. of national Law-( ee \Vhealon fol. 222-3) . 2nd. Detention in his hands of public money, recd. foL· the ale of 8tcam Boat Coyugn, & Brig Pocket.-He r ed. $1600. in cash. Pni<l $200. to the Treasurer nnJ $300. to tl_ie Pr<' itl<'nt, both of ---- .. Dt. In Fisher's hand. '"Tble message was received by the Senate on Nov. 7. t 837, and on reso- lution ot l\lr. Horton a copy or It wns rurnlshed fr. Fl~her. (Seo Wink- ler, E. W., (Ed.), Secret Journal, of the Senate, (86.) Mr. Winkler was unable to find lhe orl,:lnal and the present edllor has been unable to llnd even a printed copy of the message.

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