The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I

P.u>ERS oF 1Irn.\BE.\U Buo 'APARTE LAM.\R


~o. 617 [1837 Xov. 1.5'], E. E. DIBBLE. TATE1IE::--:T OF CA H ADVA tCED C. =

Statement of Cash advanced by E. E. Dibble acting for himself and friends to the Prisoner taken on board Sehr Independence, whHe confined in ::\Iatamora . Paid in w ekly payments '' " Dis " the day released from prison " " Mr. Whitmore " " " " l\fr. Crary " ·., for bread for the road " 38000 50.00 5.00

" "

12.00 20.00 53.00 20.00

" sundry contingent expenses " " appropriated for Dr. Cochrane "

Approved. John W. Taylor Lt




A True Copy

Wm. 11 Shepherd

actg of the Navy·

Rich Bache

elk Navy Dept


Document C

No. 618

1837 1 ov. 21, E. HALL TO l\L B. LA1\1AR, [HOUSTO1 r]

Natchez Nov. 21, 1837

Genr :M. ·B. Lamar Dear Sir

I came here for the purpose of collecting some of the note I recd. from Col A Huston which he took for Scrip sold here, but all have refused to pay the notes on the grounds that Govt. have given a preference to other claimants while the scrip says on the face of it that, no preference shall be given over the holders of this scrip. this objection with the scarcity of money and general embarra sments in the Commercial Community will place u as welJ as the Government in an awkward fix Wl1y can't Congress designate the Land for the crip or place the holder on an equal footing with other claimants, This would satisfy all and enable us to sell enough to pay the balance of the Gov. Debts. tfte holders of which are exceedingly clamorous. I hope something will be done & that speedily or ·we all go to the d .. . . . .l together. Your Frnd & Ob Sent Edw. Hall [.rubric]

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