The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



the night of the urpri e, for there is no proof of its having been guarded by one single entinel,

)ly order of Angt. 31 ult. etc etc-

Such being the ease the adventurer Long would not have taken the presidio of the Bahia with so much facility as not to be hear,! until he wa taking possession of the post. With regard to tl1e cattle & corn which the 2nd. Alcalde of the Ballia, Dn. Tomas Bneutillo•s administered to Genl. Long & l1is nit , hile prisoner at the po t, You will please order the respec- tive a/c formed & [rem]itted to me, that 1 may det<'rmine out [of] what funds it is to be paid, all other expenses incurred in tlrn ntaintainance of said a<lvenhfrer. now prisoners, will be paid ont of the 1 1 acional treasury of the Villa, under eircnmstancial and ju,- tified a/es., for which end I will communicate to the ministers thereof the corresponrling advices. In the mean time Your E. will giYe my thank to Col. Pere. etc etc. Saltillo, Nov. 2, 1821. Lopez. [rubric] Alcalde is no. 40 of this collection.

:Xo. 42

18.21 Nov. 5, G. LOPEZ TO [A. }IARTINEZ, SA ANTO:XI0) 0

I have recd. Your Excellencys official o. 155 80 of the 13 of Oct. ult., the two originals of the Commander of the division, Dn. Ygnacio Peres, the capitulation 51 selebrated by him and l1is officers with the adventurer Genl. Long and hii; econd for the evacuation of the Town of la Bahia, and the original letters which were intercepted on the Coast. Upon informing myself of the conte~ts of these documents, I could not but see with grief the official of the above named Commander, who designs, under the pretext of the artifice of war, to treat a nnll and imaginary the capitulation sel brat d with men who, althongli should they be criminals are not without [or outside 1 the laws of wa·r, which emillate from the rights of man. This false step taken by Commander Peres, might compromise the sound a11d liberal princ1pl<'s proclaimed aud eonst, utly follow('(l by our immortal Generali imo Dn. Agu tin Yturbide from the time of his declaration in Iguala; because if, a. Peres de ·ire , viol<'nce should h<' committed in cold blood upon the per:011s of unfortunate men, placed under the prot<'etiou of our laws by a formal treaty, what would the civilis<'d Xatiou ay of proceedings of the :\le.·icnn Government, so foreign [to] the principle. ,Yhieh she ha· proclaimed ..Buentello. "English trnnelatlon; original In Bexnr Archives.

-i'hls document le In the Bexar Archives. •No copy or the ca111t11Jnt1on has been round.

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