The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



No. 613

1837 Xov. 6, THO[i\IAS] WILSO1r, IA'fAGORDA, [TE_~A ], TO l\l[IRA EAU] B[UO PARTE] LA IAR, HOU 'fO1 , TEX S Pa age from l\lobile in the brig Nile; mishaps of the Oscar; per- sonal moYement . A. L . 1 p. No. 614

1 37 Xov. B, CRUGER & l\IOORE, [HO STO0;, TEXAS]

Receipt to Lamar for $10 for ubscription to nos. 9 -140 of the Tele- "' graph a11d Texas Register. D. . of John Barker "for Pickens But- ler." 1 p. TO. 615

1837 Xov. 9, [:IL B.] LAl\I R, [HOU TO. 1 ]. RE~I RKS' 8

Remarks of General "Lamar. on re urning his seat as President of the Senate. November 9th, 1837.

Fellow Citizen of the Senate. However unimportant my presence may be in tbe cotm- cils of the country, yet to my elf it ha been a matter of much regret that I have not been able at an earlier period to re ume my dutie as the presiding officer of thi body. Under the Senate's kind and generous indulgence, for which I am truly thankful, I left the repub- lic on a , isit to my native state for the purpo e of etlling my pri- vate affair preparatory to a final removal of my interest to thi , the beautiful land of my adoption and affection. And although my absence was protracted beyond original expectation, yet my time has not been devottd exclusively to selfish and individual· purposes; for I could not pass unimproved the favorable opportunity which travel • , afforded, of preading every where in my ocial intercour e, a correct knowledge of our- republic; it history, government and resource ; its pre ent pro perity and happine s, a well as its promi e of future glory and greatness. . Indeed, gentlemen, under no circum tances, p1•osperous or advetse, could I forget the country, that had (J'iven me her confidence and lavished upon me so many unde erving honors. Whereve1· I have heen, whether called by busines or led by chance, it has been my pride and my pleasure to exalt her character and defend her honor. midst the fea t of pleasure and the flow of oul, her beauties were remembered still. Her green pa tures; her luxuriant fields; her fair daughters and her gallant sons-all, all floated before my mind de- lighted eye, and con trained me every where to ay, that he who knows our Country and love her not, hath no eye for the charms "Copy in Lamar's hand.

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