The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I

578 President. You know the object of snch publications-and I haYe even thought that you would be run for next President- I£ it is yonr wish or intention let me know as early as possible-Anything you wish to communicate to me on that subject will be kept secret or otherwise as you may direct. Because if you intend runing your Claims can- not be Canvassed too early, by your friends. I have written an account of your reception at St. A[ug)ustine which you will see in thi: next 011 [ro)nicle. I did so for effect-as weLII) as from Bs:eem. If a few inflnenti[al) men in the West- alias [ ] nominate you, all w [ ) can manage in this se[c)tion, if necessary. · Treat'the m[em]bers of St. Augustine, Shelby & Sa[b]ine with all respect imaginable.- Your reception at )[obile was also published in the last Chronicle which speaks volumes in your !'avour; that. however, you will see.- Advocate an entire repeal of the Law for the Ocllection of Impost and Tonnage duties-or, at least, a irreat modification-alias, reduction of them. Ad,·ocate the opening of the Land-Office by all means- Free Tra<le and S11ilor's 1·ights arc the roottQ with the people of Texas at this time. In fact, their situation & necessities will not admit of heavy Taxa- tion as yet. They are for having a title to the lands guaranteed by the Constitution & Colonization Laws & light taxation. You must excuse the buried inaner & bad style in \rhich I write as it is by private hand-and tl1e.individual ready to leaYe. P. S. We got no let[te]rs, papers, or anything else from [ miscarriage l ] sbotJld be institu[ted [Addressed) Genl. )Iirabean n. Lamar. Houston Polite attention Texas- of PI] r. "Esridgc [ f] Xo. 612 1837 .\'ot·. ,f, 1m;\TIY n. DANA, ~ACOODOCHES, 'PEXAS, TO )I[IJL\BEAU] B p JONAPARTE] LA:'lfAR, HOUSTON, r'l'EX,\S) Srndin!? th<' Chronicle; <'Crtnin nrtirlc~ to nppenr in the next mnn- hcr: the pm;sihiltr of L11ma1•'s sccurinir a lot "to set an offirc on." A. I,. S. 1 p. :\Iutilnted. Respond. In much has:e, I remain your friend E W. Cnllen-

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