The Papers of Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar, Volume I



going with her. Brother is all ready ancl intends to pack up tomonow. Come and go with them and all may yet go well. I hope you may re- turn on the boat today, and thus mi. my ha ty croll. Your -Affectionate friend Olivia- [Addre ed] Genl lil B Lamar 1Tew Orleans (:\Io t probably .at Lake Ilousc)

No. 60

1837 Oct. 15, i\IE:.\TUCA1' HUX'l', "\YA HI~G'l'O~r [D. C.], TO 11I[IR-ABEAU BUONAPAR.TE] L.A~HAR, ' [ EW ORLEAKS Y LOUISIA~A 1) Introducing C. 11I. Haile, of Rhode Island. L. S. 1 p. Xo. 609 1837 Oct. 27, R. B·. IRVINE .A~TD OTHERS S.A1r AUGUSTL rE, [TEXAS], TO :U[IR.ABE.AUl BIUOXAP.ARTE] LA:.\CAR, [SAr AUG STINE, TEX.AS] Invitation to a ball "to be given thi evening at the ~Ian ion House in Commemoration of tlie victory of Conception.'' . S.? 1 p.

1837 Oct. 31, i\L\.RY A rx_ COLU:\IBUS, [GEORGL\), TO :\IIRA BAU B[UON.APARTt.] LA::\L\R, .1. 'EW ORLE.Ar 1 S, [LO ISI L~A]

Personal news and plan . A. L. S. 3 p.

Xo. 610 [1837? Octf], P. F. BELT. T.ATE:\mX'l' CO. 'CER... 'I 'G POirrSE'l"l', 0 ERRERO, ETC. Statement Recd. from :\fr. Belt The promise that the City :\lexico honld be given up to four clnys plunder ww one cau c of o many. flocking to the tan<lard of the Gurra [ro] party- W"hctbcr . uch promi e was really made is not known, but the sol- diers were many infiuence<l hy such a hope. '!'hey \\·ere nearly 50 thousand cng-agccl in the R.cvolntion-Lobnrdo commanded the party who to k th<' city. They plundered tlrn city one .,. day ~· night. 'fhc Pararnn, which arc square[ ] of lmildi[11)gs put up hy the Govt. .,. r uted out ·ix or 7 hundred stores were all brokm in rc,hhccl. Tho manner of breaking in ,,·us to burst the door down by n can- non shot.

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